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  • 网络Miaojiang;Miao boundary
  1. 傅鼐对苗疆地区社会保障的指导变迁

    Fu Nai 's Directed Change of Social Security in Miao Regions

  2. 第一章清代以前中央王朝对贵州民族地区治理概述。主要是简述清政府开辟贵州苗疆的历史背景。

    The first chapter expounds the pioneering history of the central government before Qing Dynasty .

  3. 19世纪湘西苗疆民族教育体系的构建

    The Construction of Educational System of Miao Nationality in West of Hunan in 19th Century

  4. 分析了经济开发的客体,即清前期的贵州苗疆的行政区划,地理位置、自然地貌、气候条件、资源物产等特征;

    Objects : administrative division , geographical situation , natural physiognomy , climax and natural resources .

  5. 苗疆边墙设置及其与明王朝经营西南的关系

    Relationship Between Miao 's Frontier Setting and Its Management of Southwest Area with the Ming Dynasty

  6. 论清代前期贵州苗疆人口贩卖屡禁不止的原因

    On the Reasons of Repeated Human Trafficking of Miao Frontier in Guizhou of the Early-Qing Dynasty

  7. 苗疆边墙与清代湘西民族事务的深层对话

    Frontier Wall along Border Areas Inhabited by Miao People in Qing Dynasty and Ethnic Affair of Western Hunan

  8. 明清两朝为修建皇宫到清水江“苗疆”征办“皇木”。

    Officials in Ming and Qing Dynasties were often sent to Qingshuijiang-Miao territory to collect timbers for royal palaces .

  9. 这种文化的碰撞使得湘西苗疆原有的婚姻、宗教、伦理等观念发生了变迁。

    This kind of culture collision brought in lots of changes in the concept of marriage , religion and ethic .

  10. 冲突与对话&湘西苗疆边墙地区白帝天王崇拜的人类学考察崇拜作为上帝或神来崇拜

    Conflict and Dialogue & A Culture Investigation into Worship of White Heavenly King in Xiangxi Miao Ethnic Border Wall Areas

  11. 民族历史记忆的价值重构&以湘西苗疆边墙为个案的分析

    The Value Reconstruction of National Historical Memory & A Case Study of the Bordering Wall in the Miao People Inhabited Areas in Xiangxi

  12. 儒家乎?儒教乎?&苗疆堂祭三献礼的宗教人类学研究

    Is Confucianism a Religion or Not ? & A Religious Anthropological Research on " Tang Ji San Xian Li " in the Miao Area

  13. 半职业化管理阶层和知识分子阶层是我们深入理解苗疆社区近代重构的关键之点。

    The stratum with " half professional management " and the intellectual stratum were keys for us to go into deep study about Miaojiang community reconstruction .

  14. 对苗疆的法律问题调整是清朝民族法制建设中最有特色的部分之一。

    The establishment and adjustment of law system in Miao territory is one of the most important part of Qing 's law building enterprise on frontiers .

  15. 论清代湘西苗疆的边墙贸易政策国家权力的地方运作&以清代湘西苗疆边墙-墟场结构为例

    A Study on the Border-Wall Trade Policy in the Places Inhabited by Miao People in Xiangxi in Qing Dynasty " State Power " Operated in Local Areas

  16. 首先,湘西苗疆生产得到很大的发展,招农开垦、疏浚河道,客民的进入带来很多先进的耕作方式和新的农作物。

    First , production developed greatly . Agricultural reclamation , dredging river and the entering of guest-civil brought in lots of advanced tillage methods and new crops .

  17. 起义平定之后,清廷虽然采取了若干措施重建其统治秩序,但贵州苗疆仍处于动荡之中。

    After the uprising was put down , although Qing dynasty adopted a number of measures to rebuild its governing order , Miao areas in Guizhou were still in turmoil .

  18. 对边疆民族区域的统一与开发是清前期历史的重要特征,贵州苗疆是众多区域中目前研究较为薄弱的一个。

    The unity and development of the national area in the borderland was an important characteristic of the earlier Qing Dynasty . The study of Miao Area is comparatively weak at present .

  19. 第三章是清廷对贵州苗疆的法律控制,梳理清廷对贵州苗疆立法的脉络及相关法律的实施情况。

    The third chapter mentions about legal control of Qing dynasty in Miao areas in Guizhou , rationalizes the legislative skeleton of Qing dynasty in Miao areas in Guizhou and the implementation of relevant laws .

  20. 乾隆朝时期湘西苗疆区域社会发生了巨大变化,导致清廷就湘西区域是否执行苗疆禁例展开了激烈的讨论,最终讨论的结果是将之废弛。

    Great social changes have taken place in Xiangxi during the period of Qianlong , resulting in a heated discussion of whether the Prohibitory Regulations of Miao Territory should be applied , and the final results of the discussion was to abolish it .

  21. 本文运用历史学、经济学和民族学的方法,试图通过对清前期贵州苗疆的经济开发及其影响的论述,总结出自己对历史时期西部开发中的经验教训的一点认识。

    The dissertation summarizes the historical experiences and lessons in the West development by the study of the economic development of Miao Area and its influence , under the guidance of Marxism historical materialism and dialectical materialism , with the methodology of history , economics and ethnology .