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  1. 基于GIS的宝鸡市金台区村庄布点研究

    Study on Village Layout in Jintai Region of Baoji City Based on GIS

  2. 宝鸡市金台区陵塬乡水资源现状调查与思考

    Survey of Plateau Hills Rural Water Resources and Thinking

  3. 亚郎应把这些灯放在纯金台上,在上主面前长燃不熄。

    They shall be set upon the most pure candlestick before the Lord continually .

  4. 他的名字是金台部。

    His name is Chin Daibe .

  5. 免帐:区内企业不实行加工贸易银行保证金台帐和合同核销制度。

    Free of Deposit Account : Enterprises in FTPA not need to follow out the bank deposit account system for processing trade and check system .

  6. 此石佛为阿弥陀佛接引像,右手下垂作接引状,左手当胸捧紫金台。

    The statue depicts Amitabha guiding believers to the Land of Ultimate Bliss , with his right hand hanging down and his left hand holding a lotus throne against his chest .

  7. 17日晚开始持续的强降雨也造成了距离西安市西部175公里的宝鸡市发生了一起山体滑坡。宝鸡市金台郊区一处民房被掩埋。

    A heavy rainfall that began on Saturday night triggered a landslide that buried a residential house in the suburban district of Jintai in Baoji City , some 175 km west of Xi'an .

  8. 第二章概述了目标研究社区一金台里地区拆迁前后社区环境的变迁,包括空间环境、商业环境和人文环境三个方面。

    Chapter 2 represents the community profiles and the changes in the community environment before and after the demolition reconstruction in Jin Taili region , including the space environment , business environment and cultural environment .

  9. 其中,将于今年七月在全国实施的加工贸易保证金台帐制度成为港澳客商的关注焦点。

    Of the three adjustments , the bank accounting system of deposits for the processing trade to be implemented nationally in July became the focus of concern of visiting businessmen from Hong Kong and Macao .

  10. 第五章总结了拆迁改造对金台里社区少数民族居民造成的物质和精神方面的影响,并对构建和谐城市民族社区进行了思考。

    Chapter 5 : summarizes the changes in the material and spiritual aspects of the minority residents in the Jin Taili region caused by demolition reconstruction , then the building of harmonious ethnic communities are reflected .

  11. 二是总结分析我国现有的加工贸易方式,分析了来料加工、进料加工的定义及其运作方式,以及两种贸易方式利弊,保证金台帐制度,境外加工贸易的意义及现状;

    The second part analyzes the styles of the processing trade , the definition of the process materials supplied by customers and the processing with imported materials , and the advantages and disadvantages of the two styles , the meaning of the processing trade in other countries .