
  • 网络daphne odora;Daphne odora Thunb;Daphne odora Var.Marginata
  1. 金边瑞香花期化学调控技术研究

    Study on Chemical Regulation of the Florescence of Daphne odora var. marginata

  2. 结论:金边瑞香提取液具有抗炎症作用。

    Conclusion : Daphne odora Var. Marginata has anti inflammatory effects .

  3. 金边瑞香对小鼠SOD活性及MDA含量的影响结论:茶色素能改善冠心病病人血中SOD活力及降低血清LPO。

    CONCLUSION : Tea pigments has some anti-lipid peroxidation effects and improves SOD activity and LPO levels in serum of patients with coronary disease .

  4. 目的:研究金边瑞香的抗炎症作用。

    Objective : to study the anti inflammatory effect of Daphne odora var.

  5. 金边瑞香提取物抗氧化及清除自由基活性研究

    Antioxidant and free radical scavenging activities of extracts from Daphne odora var. marginata

  6. 目的建立测定金边瑞香滴鼻剂中瑞香素的含量方法。

    OBJECTIVE To determine and identify the daphnetin content in Daphne odora Thunb nose drops .

  7. 金边瑞香离体培养中芽和愈伤组织诱导初步研究

    Study on Bud and Wound Callus Inducement of Isolated Culture of Daphne odora var. marginata

  8. 研究了不同生长刺激素及其组合对金边瑞香扦插生根的影响。

    Different growth hormone and the proportioning were studied about the influence of Daphne odora var.

  9. 选用4种不同的基质和5种不同的营养液,比较其对金边瑞香生长的影响。

    The effects of four matrixes and five nutrient solutions on the growth of Daphne odora var.

  10. 研究了金边瑞香脱毒苗继代增殖与生根的若干影响因素。

    Several factors which can effect on the propagation and rooting of virus-free seedling of Daphne odora vav .

  11. 结论:本法是一种简便、高选择性、高效率地萃取金边瑞香鲜花有效成份的方法。

    Conclusion : This method is simple , highly selective and efficient in extracting the effective component from Daphne odora Thunb fresh flowers .

  12. 以金边瑞香茎尖为外植体,探讨了不同培养基对丛生芽的诱导增殖、芽苗生根的影响。

    These clustering buds after proliferation were placed onto different media and cultured for different days , by which rooting effects of different treatment can be observed .

  13. 4种化控剂对促进金边瑞香开花的效果依次为A>B>C、D。

    According to the effect of regulating the florescence of D. odora var. marginata , four kinds of chemical regulators were arranged as follows : A > B > C , D.