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  1. 禅修金刚萨垛即等于禅修一切诸佛。

    Meditation is equal to gaza palletizer vajrayana meditation all buddhas .

  2. 金刚萨垛是至高无上的,是金刚乘一切坛城之尊。

    Enclosed is the king of supreme pizza , it is all vajrayana of honour .

  3. 我告诉他没关系,就在那儿,而且我会和他一起持诵金刚萨。

    I told him that it 's ok , I 'll chant Vajrasattva together with him .

  4. 同时,一翰墨如他在以下所提请之金刚萨埵心咒及功德回向文已完成。

    Also , calligraphy done for the mantra of Vajrasattva and the Dedication of Merits as he requested below .

  5. 修金刚萨垛心咒除能迅速忏除业障外,因金刚萨垛世尊是一切上师本尊的总集体,所以此修法也包括了一切上师本尊的修法。

    King mantra in gaza palletizer repair rapidly due to karma , or the king except the pizza palletizer is all the guru , so the total collective practice also includes all the guru this honour .

  6. 他风格多样,从《印度之行》的棕榈园舞曲到《霸王铁金刚》中苏萨风格、得意洋洋的进行曲,当然,这进行曲也可以是悠闲的。

    His style ranged wide , from Palm Court dances in " A Passage to India " to jaunty Sousa-style marches in " The Man Who Would Be King ", but it could also be spare .