
  1. 文章介绍了山西省翼城县西闫镇苗圃基地金银花扦插育苗的全过程。

    This article has introduced the process of pruning honeysuckle seedlings in the nursery base of Xiyan Town of Yicheng County in Shanxi .

  2. 对于濒危植物资源,强化保护的同时,开辟苗圃基地,有意识地进行人工繁殖,挽救这些植物资源。

    For endangered plants , we strengthened protection , and at the same time , opened up nursery base for saving these plant resources by artificial propagation .

  3. 通过两年多的综合治理,试验区农业产业结构调整、封山育林与人工诱导促进植被恢复以及生态苗圃基地建设等方面取得了初步成效。

    After two years fathering , some economic and social effects have been brought about through the readjustment of agriculture industry structure , the conservation for regeneration , vegetation restoration by artificial inducements and construction of the ecological nursery base .