
  • 【水产】shellfish purification
  1. 贝类净化与保藏研究进展

    Development of the study on the depuration and preservation of shellfish

  2. 贝类净化中不同海水处理方法的比较

    Comparison between Different Treatments of Sea Water in the Shellfish Depuration

  3. 目前,国内外已建立了贝类净化技术,通过净化处理,可以脱除牡蛎中的泥沙,降低致病微生物的含量,但对牡蛎体内的重金属脱除尚无有效的去除方法。

    At present , shellfish purification technology has been established in domestic and foreign , through purification , the sediment could be removed , the pathogenic microorganisms content could be reduced , but the removal of heavy metals in the Oyster no effective removal method .

  4. 养虾废水经贝类滤食净化后池塘主要水环境因子的变化分析

    Analysis of Main Pond Water Factors after Shrimp-Culture Sewage Filtration by Shellfish

  5. 金贝广场贝类暂养净化的初步研究

    The preliminary research of shellfish and aquaculture purification of Jinbei