
  • 网络implicit contract
  1. 集群企业合作隐性契约的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Implicit Contract about Unit Cooperation within Cluster

  2. 因此,基于集群企业间合作的隐性契约在规范集群企业行为方面提供了强有力的保证。

    By contract , the implicit contract provides forceful guarantee for regulating business activity of a cluster .

  3. 隐性契约以商品所有权分割为存在前提。

    Implicit contracts exist based on the division of goods property .

  4. 国有商业银行公司治理重构中的隐性契约

    Implicit Contracts between State-owned Commercial Banks in the Reconstruction of Firm Management

  5. 隐性契约与公司股利政策研究

    Research on the Relation between Implicit Contracts and Dividend Policy

  6. 隐性契约、专用性投资与资本结构

    Implicit Contracts , Specific Investment and Capital Structure

  7. 中国上市公司隐性契约与资本结构的实证研究

    Empirical Study on the Implicit Contracts and Capital Structure of China 's Listed Companies

  8. 中日雇佣制度的比较&隐性契约理论的视角

    Comparison of Employment System between China and Japan & In view of implicit contracts theory

  9. 区域品牌的作用就在于为区域产品或服务向消费者提供了担保,在区域产品生产者与消费者之间建立起一种隐性契约,对消费者选择正确性进行担保。

    The regional brand builds up implicit contracts between producers and consumers which guarantees the consumer choice correctness .

  10. 会计诚信作为隐性契约,在企业契约体系中有其存在的必然性和独到的功能。

    As an implicit contract , accounting integrity has its existing reason and original function in enterprise 's contractual system .

  11. 文章运用隐性契约理论分析了日本的终身雇佣制和中国的固定工制度。

    This paper analyzes the contractual properties of Japanese life-employment and Chinese fixed-employment system in view of implicit contracts theory .

  12. 因此,企业是社会系统中不可分割的一部分,是利益相关者之间显性契约和隐性契约的载体。

    As an inseparable part of social system , corporate is the carrier of stakeholders ' visible and invisible contracts .

  13. 实证研究表明,专用性投资强度与资本结构呈负相关,隐性契约对资本结构产生影响。

    The empirical test indicates that specific investment intensity is negatively related to capital structure and implicit contracts do influence corporate financial policy .

  14. 而关系契约理论则主要分析在缺乏外部监督的情况下,行为个体如何通过自行实施隐性契约来改进交易双方的总体福利水平。

    While the other , relational contract theory , emphasizes how the total welfare can be improved by a self-enforced implicit contract without outside monitoring .

  15. 心理契约是存在于员工与组织之间的隐性契约,是当今国内外学术界的研究热点之一。

    Psychological contract , an underlying contract between the employees and the organizations , is a focus of research in both domestic and overseas academic circles .

  16. 声誉本质是一种隐性契约,它传递了行为主体的行为偏好的信息,这种信息对博弈参与人的策略选择有导向作用,产生声誉效应。

    Reputation is virtually implicit contract , and it may pass the information of an actor'preference , which will affect the player'decision and bring reputation effect .

  17. 同时,作为显性契约有效补充的隐性契约对合作机制运行中不可核实因素的约束与激励能力不容忽视。

    As an effective complement to explicit contract , implicit contract on unverifiable factors constrained the operation of the co-operation mechanism and incentive can not be ignored .

  18. 企业在履行其囊括显性契约与隐性契约在内的综合性社会契约时,必须考虑其利益相关者合理的利益要求,进而主动承担起应有的社会责任。

    When a corporate implemented its integrative social contracts which composed of explicit contracts and implicit contracts , it must consider the claims of stakeholders and bea .

  19. 第二部分应用隐性契约理论对我国养老保险如何影响劳动者的流动进行了理论分析。

    The second part has an theoretical analysis on the effects of pension on the tenure and mobility rate from one employment to another of China using implicit constract theory .

  20. 在新制度经济学的视角下,当企业选择签订长期契约代替一体化经营时,可以采用显性契约和隐性契约两种方案。

    From the perspective of new institutional economics , if a firm decides to take long-term contact instead of integration operation , both explicit and implicit contract can be available .

  21. 转向失去了与政府某种隐性契约关系的四大国有商业银行在利率市场化新环境下的生存和发展状态,力图在国有商业银行如何进行行为调整方面进行一些探讨。

    To " how can four big state-owned commercial banks survival and develop under the new environment of interest rate marketability ", trying hard to carry on some discussions about the behavior adjustment of the state-owned commercial bank .

  22. 在探讨企业契约性质时,新制度经济学分析了契约的不完全性及其对企业契约形式的影响:企业是关系契约和隐性契约的结合体;

    When discussing on enterprise contract nature , the new system on economic has analyzed the not completeness on contract and its influence to the enterprise contract form . The enterprise is knot synthesis between the relation contracts and the recessive contracts .

  23. 运用静态和动态博弈模型分析了报酬契约下的囚徒困境与隐性契约下的合作均衡,说明了隐性激励才是激励知识员工利他行为的有效方法。

    The author analyzes the " prisoner 's dilemma " under the condition of reward contract and " cooperative equilibrium " under the condition of tacit contract separately , draws the conclusion that tacit inspiration is the efficient way of inspiriting knowledge staffs .

  24. 与此同时,隐性契约可以很好地缓解有限理性、不确定性和不完全信息所引发的逆向选择、机会行为和道德风险等问题,是合作研发运行过程中不可避免的关键因素。

    At the same time , the implicit contract which is the key factor during the operation of cooperative R & D can mitigate the risk of adverse selection , opportunistic behavior and moral hazard problems aroused by bounded rationality , uncertainty and incomplete information .

  25. 日本的企业对于自己的资产具有剩余控制权,注重建立并维护自己的声誉,企业和员工达成一种长期雇佣的默契,他们之间是一种重复博弈,是一个标准的隐性契约。

    Japanese enterprises have their own assets and the surplus controlling power , and they attach importance to form their reputation and cherish it . Employer and employee reach a tacit agreement of life-long employment and the game between them is a repeated one which forms a standard implicit contract .

  26. 政府隐性担保契约偏好对股市的干预加剧了股市的政策性异常波动。

    The intervention from the government recessive contract of guarantee intensified the stock market 's abnormal policy fluctuation .

  27. 第三,我们可能需要重写治理我们民主社会的隐性社会契约,重新定义政府提供的商品和服务。

    Third , we may need to rewrite the implicit social contracts that govern our democracies , redefining what goods and services our governments provide .

  28. 公司型基金具有隐性的契约关系和显化的公司治理关系,作为契约第三方的独立董事拥有更多的剩余监督权;

    Corporation fund are based on the recessive contractual relations and apparent company relations , so the independency director as the third party has more residual control rights .

  29. 政府逐步解除隐性担保契约、摆脱尴尬角色定位的关键出路便是响应和满足市场的创新需求。

    The essential outlet for the government to gradually relieve the implicit guarantee contract and get rid of the awkward role is to respond and satisfy the innovation demand in market .

  30. 通过制度创新,政府隐性担保契约从股市退出,让市场规律指导股票市场运行走势是稳定股市、防止股市大起大落的可能选择。

    Through system innovation , the government recessive contract of guarantee withdraws from the stock market and that the market rule guides the stock market 's running trend is the possible choice of preventing its big rises and falls .