
  1. 于是,我们浙江大学博士学位论文决定将员工的组织情感承诺和主管情感承诺·作为POS和PSS与员工工作产出之间的中介变量。

    We take employees ' affective commitment ( toorganization and supervisor ) as the mediators between POS , PSS and employees ' work outcomes .

  2. 我们还发现:组织情感承诺和主管情感承诺在POS和PSS与员工工作产出之间担任中介角色。

    We still find : organizational affective commitment and supervisory affective commitment play the median role between the POS , PSS and employee work outcomes .

  3. 该文以员工的组织情感承诺和工作满意感为中介变量,考察POS和LMX对员工工作产出的间接影响。

    In this paper , we test the effects of POS and LMX on above work outcomes mediated by organizational affective commitment and job satisfaction .

  4. 员工感知企业声誉对员工组织情感承诺有正向预测作用:员工感知的企业声誉越好,其组织情感承诺越高;

    Employee perceptions of corporate reputation influences the employee affective commitment ;

  5. 员工组织情感承诺包含了价值认同、努力意愿和组织向心力三个特征维度;

    Employee affective commitment includes three factors : value identity , efforts willingness and organizational involvement ;

  6. 员工态度结果变量包含工作满意度、组织情感承诺和离职意向。

    Consequence variables include the results of job satisfaction , organizational affective commitment and turnover intention emotion .

  7. 员工感知企业社会评价是员工感知企业声誉和组织情感承诺的调节变量,对声誉和情感承诺间的关系起到正向增强的作用。

    Public perceptions of corporate reputation mediates the relationship between employee perceptions of corporate reputation and employee affective commitment .

  8. 另外,本研究还验证了组织情感承诺对权力距离和个体人生意义自我评价的关系的调节作用。

    This study also tested the moderation effects of organizational affective commitment to power distance when predicting purpose in life of individuals .

  9. 运用结构方程模型进行数据分析,结果表明变革管理对于变革情感承诺有直接作用效果,同时经由变革公平&组织情感承诺路径作用于变革情感承诺。

    The results of structural equation model analysis show that change management had both direct affection and change fairness-organizational affective commitment indirect affection on affective commitment to change .

  10. 人际公平和信息公平对主管情感承诺具有显著正向影响,同时信息公平对组织情感承诺亦有显著正向影响。

    Interpersonal justice and information justice has a significant positive effect on employee affective commitment , and information justice also has a significant positive effect on organizational affective commitment .

  11. 在绘画艺术中,艺术家通过作品与观众进行情感交流与对话,以充分表达情感,控制情感,组织情感,唤起情感,净化情感。

    Through their works in fine arts , artists communicate with audience , through which they could fully express , control , organize , arouse and purify their feeling .

  12. 该模型认为,员工对变革的反应取决于员工对变革推动接受双方社会交换关系的认知,一方面是日常工作中所形成的组织情感承诺,另一方面是对当下变革过程公平性的判断。

    The model considered employees ' reaction to change depended on cognition of social exchange relationship between the impetus and the acceptance : organization commitment formed in daily work on the one hand and fairness judgment of the current process of change on the other hand .

  13. 在信息公平对人际促进和工作奉献的影响中,员工组织及主管情感承诺起中介作用。

    The Effect of information justice on relationship facilitation and work dedication , organizational affective commitment and employee affective commitment play an intermediary role .

  14. 研究结果显示:组织承诺及其情感承诺维度和组织公民行为呈显著正相关,而连续承诺维度则和组织公民行为呈负相关;

    The results also show that organizational commitment and affective commitment are significantly related to the individual behaviors . However , continuous commitment affect negatively on the contrary .

  15. 教育专家又将教学环境分成七个小部分,包括自然环境、时空环境、设施环境、人际关系、信息环境、组织环境和情感环境。

    Experts in education and teaching environment is divided into seven small parts , including natural environment , space environment , facility environment , interpersonal relationship , information environment , organizational environment and the emotional environment .

  16. 组织承诺中的情感承诺与规范承诺能有效预测离职倾向。

    Affective commitment and normative commitment can effectively forecast quit intention .

  17. 组织承诺中的情感承诺和规范承诺在价值观匹配与离职倾向中存在中间作用。

    Affective commitment and normative commitment have medi-function between value fit and quit intention .

  18. 在组织承诺中,情感承诺及持续承诺对离职倾向影响显著。

    And in organization commitment , affective commitment 、 continuance commitment influenced the turnover intention significantly .

  19. 主观性文本是指对非事实进行描述的文本,它主要表达了个人、群体或组织的意见、情感或态度。

    Subjective text is that text describes non-reality , in which express mainly opinion , sentiment and attitude about individual , community or organization .

  20. 在阅读组织公平性、情感性劳动的相关文献基础上,提出了本研究的研究问题和理论基础。第二部分是实证部分。

    On this basic , we conclude some study questions and theories supported . The second part is empirical study on the relationship of organization justice , emotional labor , service quality in hotels .

  21. 部分教师曾在工作中采用了一些方法对学生进行过情感教育,他们认为在体育教学中主要通过选择教学内容、教学方法、教学组织形式等进行情感教育。

    Some teachers have adopted some methods to carry on affective education to students at work . They think they can carry on affective education mainly through choosing content of courses , teaching method , teaching organizational form , etc. in the teaching of sports .

  22. 她的教学和研究领域:组织心理学、组织中的情感、小组和团队心理动力学、战略人力资源管理。

    Her teaching and Research areas : Organizational Psychology , Emotions in Organizations , Group and teams psychodynamics , Strategic Human Resource Management .

  23. 组织技术和物质条件对组织成员情感体验影响研究

    The Research of Effect of Organization Technique and Material Condition on Emotion Experience of Organization Members

  24. 支持多因素的组织承诺观点,尤其是将组织承诺分成情感承诺和连续承诺的观点。

    The author suggests that organizational commitment be composed of affective commitment and continuous commitment .