
  • 网络ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE;perceived organizational justice
  1. 组织公平感与员工对组织变革反应的关系研究

    The Effect of Organizational Justice on Employees ' Reaction to Organizational Change

  2. 中国员工组织公平感结构和现状的实证解析

    An Empirical Study on the Structure and Reality of Organizational Justice in China

  3. 本文将组织公平感作为中介变量,团队氛围作为调节变量,建立了LMX与团队绩效的关系模型,并据此提出了本文的假设。

    My research makes the organizational justice as intermediary variable and the team atmosphere as moderating variable . The paper establishes a relationship between LMX and team performance model , and puts forward the assumption of this paper .

  4. 研究发现,人际关系对OCB产生积极的影响,组织公平感与OCB具有正向相关关系,组织公平感作为调节变量,对人际关系与OCB的关系产生了负向调节作用。

    The results show that the interpersonal relationship has a positive impact on OCB , and a positive correlation relationship do exist between organization justice and OCB , and also a negative regulatory role exist between interpersonal relationship and OCB when taking the organization justice as a moderator variable .

  5. 公平敏感性与员工组织公平感的关系研究

    A Study of the Relationship between Equity Sensitivity and Organizational Justice

  6. 学校组织公平感对教师工作倦怠的影响

    The Effects of School Organizational Fairness on Teachers ' Job Burnout

  7. 绩效管理的各个部分对员工的组织公平感有什么影响?

    How the performance management influence the organizational justice of the employees ?

  8. 组织公平感对员工工作绩效影响的实证研究

    The Empirical Study on the Effects of Organizational Justice on the Staff Performance

  9. 第三,组织公平感与组织承诺显著相关,分配公平和程序公平对组织承诺具有显著的预测作用。

    Thirdly , there was significant correlation between organizational commitment and organizational justice .

  10. 组织公平感在团队冲突和反生产行为之间起到部分中介作用。

    Organizational justice partially mediates the relationship between team conflict and CWB . 5 .

  11. 绩效管理对组织公平感的影响研究

    The Effects of Performance Management on Organizational Justice

  12. 领导&成员交换对工作满意度的影响:组织公平感的中介作用

    The Effect of Leader-Member Exchange on Job Satisfaction : The Mediating Role of Organizational Justice

  13. 结果表明:组织公平感与工作绩效显著正相关;

    The results show that organizational justice and job performance have a significantly positive correlation ;

  14. 因此,组织公平感各维度都对任务绩效有显著的正向影响。

    Therefore , all dimensions of organizational justice have significant positive impact on task performance .

  15. 企业员工的心理契约和组织公平感、组织承诺的关系研究

    The Correlation Research on the Employee 's Psychological Contract and Organizational Justice , Organizational Commitment

  16. 知识型员工组织公平感与工作满意度关系研究二、情感冲突为派遣员工知觉最多的冲突类型。

    The Study on the Relationship between Organizational Justice and Job Satisfaction of Knowledge Workers ;

  17. 大五和组织公平感对进谏行为的影响研究

    A Research on the Impact of Big Five and Perceived Organizational Justice on Voice Behavior

  18. 第二部分对下级评估、权力距离和组织公平感的相关文献进行了回顾。

    Chapter Two reviews the relevant literature about upward appraisal , power distance orientation and organizational justice .

  19. 公平敏感性视角下组织公平感与员工绩效的关系研究

    Research On the Relationship between Organizational Justice And Staff Performance From the Visual Angle of Equity Sensitivity

  20. 第二部分结合数据分析,探讨了组织公平感与工作绩效的关系。

    The second part , combining data analysis , discusses the relationship of organizational justice and job performance .

  21. 组织公平感和组织承诺自提出以来,一直是组织行为学领域的研究热点。

    Organizational justice and organizational commitment are research hotspots in organizational behavior , from they were put forward .

  22. 本研究通过对中国文化特点的分析阐述了人际公平因素的重要性,认为组织公平感应该是至少包括分配、程序和人际公平在内的多因素结构。

    This study is designed to explore and confirm the multi-factor structure of justice in China cultural background .

  23. 分析结果证实了组织公平感对变革型领导行为影响组织公民权行为的调节作用。

    And the relationships between the transformational leadership and organizational citizenship behavior will be partially mediated by organizational justice .

  24. 在公务员组织公平感与关联绩效的中介探讨中,工作满意度具有完全的中介作用。

    Additionally , the result also demonstrates that job satisfaction has completely mediation effects on perceptions of organizational justice and contextual performance .

  25. 本研究结论如下:1.知识型员工的组织公平感与薪酬满意度成正相关性。

    The conclusions of this study are as follows : 1 . Knowledge workers ' organizational justice and pay satisfaction positive correlation .

  26. 随着我国高校管理体制和教育体制改革的进一步深化,高校教师组织公平感问题受到了广泛关注。

    With the further deepening of educational system and management system reform , organizational justice of university young teachers have caused widely public concern .

  27. 但是国内还尚未有人做过实证研究,更没有关于公平敏感性和组织公平感这两个重要概念之间的关系研究。

    However , there is no relative empirical research in Chinese organizations , not to mention research about the relationship between equity sensitivity and organizational justice .

  28. 研究指出,随着员工组织公平感的提升,会弱化由心理契约破裂所导致的消极行为倾向。

    It shows that , with the promotion of organizational justice on employees , the inclination to negative behaviors caused by psychological contract breach can be weakened .

  29. 关于组织公平感与员工沉默的关系的实证研究非常少,得出的结论也不统一。

    The research on the relationship between organizational justice and the employee silence is very little , at the same time , the conclusion is also not uniform .

  30. 结果显示,组织公平感不仅直接对组织承诺产生正向影响,还以组织支持感为中介产生间接的正向影响。

    The result shows that Organizational Justice not only has direct positive effect on OC , but also has indirect effect using Perceived Organizational Support as the mediating variable .