
  • 网络Organizational commitment;organization commitment
  1. 这一概念首先由Becker教授于1960年提出,在70年代,组织承诺引起学术界的广泛关注。

    Becker , in 1960 , first addressed organizational commitment .

  2. 本文使用SPSS统计分析软件进行均值分析、因子分析,进而采用回归分析来研究工作家庭冲突、组织承诺、工作满意度的相互关系。

    We make factor analysis , variance analysis and regression analysis by using spss , and analyze the relationship among work and family conflict , organizational commitment and job satisfaction .

  3. Agent的组织承诺和小组承诺

    Agent Organization Commitment and Group Commitment

  4. Ulrich认为,组织承诺会影响员工能力地发挥,进而影响组织智力资本。

    Ulrich said organization commitment can influence intellectual capital through influence competence exerting .

  5. 组织承诺(OrganizationalCommitment)是当代组织行为学和人力资源管理领域中的一个重要概念,自从1960年由美国社会学家Becker首次提出以来,一直备受学术界和企业界的广泛关注。

    Organizational commitment is an important concept of organization behavior and human resources management field currently . Since 1960 proposed by American sociologist Becker at the first time , it has been praised by academic and corporate wide concern .

  6. 对主管承诺的结果,学者们普遍认为,主管承诺比组织承诺更能影响员工的工作绩效和组织公民行为(OCB),但在对工作满意感和跳槽意图的影响上还存在不同的意见。

    And they all evidenced that supervisory commitment had more effects on job performance and organizational citizenship behavior than organizational commitment , but not all of them had the same views on job satisfaction and turnover intention .

  7. 说明工作不安全感通过组织承诺影响进谏行为。

    It means job insecurity affects voice behavior through organizational commitment .

  8. 组织承诺中的情感承诺与规范承诺能有效预测离职倾向。

    Affective commitment and normative commitment can effectively forecast quit intention .

  9. 科技型企业中新进员工组织承诺的预测研究

    A Predictive Study on Organizational Commitment of Newcomers in Technology Enterprises

  10. 组织承诺对护士离职意愿的影响

    The influence of organizational commitment on the turnover intention among nurses

  11. 组织承诺对情绪劳动影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Effect of Organizational Commitment on Emotional Labor

  12. 管理自我效能感与管理绩效和组织承诺关系的实证研究

    The Impact of Management Self-efficacy on Management Performance and Organizational Commitment

  13. 高校学生社团的组织承诺及其影响因素分析

    Organizational Commitment to College Student Association : State and Influential Factors

  14. 高校教师的组织承诺在部分人口统计学变量上存在显著差异。

    There are significant differences on organizational commitment in some demography variables .

  15. 绩效管理与组织承诺的相关研究

    Research on the Relationship between Performance Management and Organizational Commitment

  16. 精减整编下军医大学教师组织承诺调查研究

    Research on teacher organizational commitment of military medical university under force reduction

  17. 基于组织承诺理论的有效激励途径分析

    Analysis on the Effective Incentive Methods Based on Organizational Commitment

  18. 组织承诺影响因素比较研究

    A Comparative Study of Determinants of Organizational Commitment under Different Organizational Contexts

  19. 心理资本与知识型员工组织承诺的关系探讨

    Exploring the relationship between psychological capital and organizational commitment of knowledge worker

  20. 基于组织承诺的导游人员离职行为研究

    The Research on Tour Guide 's Turnover Behavior upon the Organizational Commitment

  21. 领导不当与组织承诺、工作倦怠的关系研究

    Research on Relationship between Abusive Supervision , Organizational Commitment and Job Burnout

  22. 护士组织承诺现状的研究

    A study on status quo of organization commitment of nurses

  23. 组织承诺与雇员个人特征关系实证研究

    Empirical study on the relationship between organizational commitment and individual 's characteristics

  24. 厦门市人寿保险业个人代理人的组织承诺研究

    Study on Organizational Commitment of the Agents in Xiamen Life Insurance Company

  25. 组织承诺对企业员工行为的影响过程分析

    The Influence Process of Organizational Commitment on the Behaviors of Enterprise Employees

  26. 组织承诺:一个高校学生社团的视角

    Organizational Commitment : One College Student Association 's View

  27. 南方沿海城市职工组织承诺的相关研究

    The Relative Research on the Organizational Commitment of Workers in Southern Coastal Cities

  28. 四川省三甲综合医院护士工作价值观与组织承诺的调查研究

    A Survey of Work Values and Organizational Commitment of Nurses in Sichuan Province

  29. 员工的组织承诺各维度与组织公民行为各维度存在显著相关性。

    Organizational commitment has correlations with organizational citizenship behavior .

  30. 中国体育组织承诺一定杜绝此类大规模作弊行为的再次发生。

    Sports organizations promised that cheating on this scale would not happen again .