
  • 网络the recluse culture;Seclusion culture;culture of seclusion
  1. 隐逸文化是绽放在中华文化之树上的一朵奇葩。

    The recluse culture with a long history is a miracle of Chinese culture .

  2. 由于受到诸多因素的影响,在各个不同的历史时期,隐逸文化呈现出不同的特点。

    Influenced by a great deal of factors , the recluse culture demonstrates different characteristics in different periods .

  3. 隐逸文化对中国古代环境美学的贡献

    Contributions to China 's Ancient Environmental Aesthetics Made by Reclusive Culture

  4. 道家正是在汲取了隐士和隐逸文化的思想营养才得以产生、生长起来的。

    Taoism emerged and developed from the nutrition of seclusion culture .

  5. 试论隐逸文化对文学之影响

    A Brief Talk about the Influence of Seclusion Culture on Literature

  6. 隐逸文化有道家和儒家两个源头。

    Seclusion culture has two sources : Taoism and Confucianism .

  7. 魏晋隐逸文化与嵇康之死

    Seclusion Culture of Wei Jin and Ji Kang 's Death

  8. 试论屈宋在先秦隐逸文化史上的意义

    About Significance of Qu and Song in Pre-Qin History of Seclusion Culture

  9. 从王维诗歌看盛唐的隐逸文化

    Viewing the Hermitic Culture in Tang Dynasty from Wang Wei 's Poetry

  10. 中西方隐逸文化的积极共性及其现实意义

    On the positive commonality of Chinese and western seclusion culture

  11. 隐逸文化具有丰富的旅游内涵。

    Recluse culture is rich in tourist connotation .

  12. 隐逸文化和隐逸文学都离不开一个群体&士。

    Seclusion culture and literature can not be separated from a group - disabilities .

  13. 论士人园林作为隐逸文化载体的形成

    On the Formation of Chinese Traditional Intellectual 's Garden as Conveyor of Seclusion Culture

  14. 隐逸文化旅游资源及其开发

    Recluse Culture Tourism Resources and Their Exploitation

  15. 隐逸文化哺育了陶渊明,陶渊明代表了隐逸文化的辉煌。

    Seclusion culture fosters Tao Yuan ming , while Tao embodies the splendor of it .

  16. 隐逸文化对文人园林的影响

    Reclusive Culture Influenced on the Literator Garden

  17. 隐士和隐逸文化初探

    An Inquiry into Hermit and Seclusion Culture

  18. 从隐逸文化解读陶渊明

    Comprehend Tao Yuan ming from Seclusion Culture

  19. 隐逸文化与旅游

    Recluse Culture and Tourism

  20. 思想上,由于受到中国传统隐逸文化和西方思想的影响,人道主义和自由主义是他的追求。

    Ideologically , affected by Chinese traditional seclusion culture and western thoughts , he pursues humanism and liberalism .

  21. 盛唐隐逸文化数议唐代隐逸兴盛成因的社会学阐释

    Views On the Hermit Culture Of Flourishing Tang A Sociological Interpretation of the Prevalence of Hermit in Tang Dynasty

  22. 隐士心态的表达更多的借助了文学作品,使得隐逸文化出现了繁荣局面。

    The recluse mentality was then more expressed by literary works , which increased the prosperity of recluse culture .

  23. 隐逸文化旅游资源内容丰富,具有地理集中、审美多样、休养适宜的特点。

    Recluse culture tourism resources are rich in content and noted for their concentrated distribution , varied appreciation and suitable rest .

  24. 中国古典园林之幽沉淀着深厚的中国古代隐逸文化的内容。

    The quiet and secluded beauty of the ancient and private park in China includes the deep recluse culture of ancient China .

  25. 中国环境文学的构建&以欧美环境文学为比照隐逸文化对中国古代环境美学的贡献

    Construction of Chinese Eco-Literature & Compared with Eco-Literature of the West Contributions to China 's Ancient Environmental Aesthetics Made by Reclusive Culture

  26. 所以,通过崇尚隐逸文化和老庄哲学而保持士人的独立品格和精神自由,也就成了中国古代文化中的一个非常普遍的现象。

    So , Chinese scholar-bureaucrat become free and independent by upholding privacy is a ordinary phenomena is Chinese ancient culture . 2 .

  27. 首先,文人画是中国隐逸文化的体现,它不是隐逸在山林,而是隐逸在内心;

    Firstly scholar painting is the embodiment of Chinese hermit culture , not in the mountains and forests but in hermits ' hearts .

  28. 但是长期以来,人们在很大程度上忽视了隐逸文化旅游资源及其开发。

    But for a long time , people have ignored the culture tourist resources and development of latent ease to a great extent .

  29. 中国的隐逸文化源远流长,儒道两家对于这个问题都有过阐述。

    Seclusion Culture in China dates back to ancient times , Confucianism and Taoism are the two on this issue have been described .

  30. 就齐文化所独具的内涵而言,它跟隐逸文化有冲突的地方,但隐逸文化在齐文化史上却并没有因此而消亡。

    Qi culture has great differences with Seclusion culture as its unique connotation , but Seclusion culture still merge into the Qi culture .