
  • 网络Satellite navigation technology;GNSS Technology
  1. 卫星导航技术在PDA上的应用研究

    Application of Satellite Navigation Technology to PDA

  2. 它是集GPS技术、北斗卫星导航技术、高动态载体姿态测定的惯性导航系统、激光技术以及影像采集系统与一体的技术。

    It represents a collection of GPS technology , BD Guided technology , dynamic pose measurement inertial navigation system , laser technology and image Acquisition System .

  3. 计算机科学家们正希望将GPS卫星导航技术添加到手持音乐播放设备,如MP3上面,以帮助给路人在城市中指导方向。

    Computer scientists are hoping to add GPS satellite navigation technology to hand-held music devices like MP3s , to help guide pedestrians around cities .

  4. 3S技术是新兴的交叉学科,涉及到电磁波理论、图象处理、图象解译、计算机软硬件技术、空间分析技术、卫星导航技术、测量技术等多个领域。

    3S technology is emerging cross-disciplinary , involving electromagnetic wave theory , image processing , image interpretation , computer hardware and software technology , spatial analysis technology , satellite navigation technology , surveying technology and other fields .

  5. 随着高科技的飞速发展,卫星导航技术也日新月异。

    With the fast development of high-technology , satellite navigation technology will change quickly .

  6. 遗憾的是,现在有了卫星导航技术,好多灯塔根本就用不上了。

    The sad truth is that satellite navigation has made many lighthouses surplus to requirements .

  7. 随着多频段卫星导航技术的发展,可同时接收多个频段信号的卫星接收天线的设计得到了广泛重视,尤其是圆极化微带天线具有一些显著的优点。

    With multi-mode satellite navigation technology , antenna design which can receive multiple satellite signals band , has been highlighted .

  8. 卫星导航技术及其它高新科技被广泛应用,使得人们顾虑的航海安全问题得以全面的保障。

    The application of the Global Navigation Satellite System and other advanced technologies has relieved the concerns with the maritime security .

  9. 卫星导航技术近几年来获得迅速的发展,在不同领域得到广泛的应用。

    In recent years , the technology of satellite navigation has developed rapidly . It has been widely used in various areas .

  10. 而随着多模卫星导航技术的深入发展,宽带圆极化天线成为了重要的研究热点。

    Further more in the process of developing the multi-mode satellite navigation technology , the broad-band CP antenna has become the priority in the research field .

  11. 近年来,随着卫星导航技术的发展,其对于微波器件的小型化和集成化的研究有着重要的工程研究意义。

    Recently , with the development of the satellite navigation , the investigations on the compact and high performances microwave components are the focus of the research .

  12. 孙家栋是来自中国航天科学技术公司北斗系统的主设计师,他认为中国应该发展自己的独立卫星导航技术以保证信息安全。

    Sun Jiadong , chief designer of the BDS with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation suggests China should develop its own independent satellite navigation technology to ensure information security .

  13. 卫星导航技术在军事和民用领域均有广泛的应用,导航定位信息的输出、显示是用户终端的一项重要功能。

    Satellite navigation technology has a wide range of applications in the fields of military and civilian , the output and display of the navigation and positioning information are important functions of the user terminals .

  14. 而当今可以应用于卫星辅助导航技术的卫星定位系统主要有两个:GPS系统与GALILEO系统。

    There are two navigation satellite systems which can be used in this technology : GPS and GALILEO .

  15. 该文根据卫星自主导航技术研究的需要,设计了基于HLA的仿真系统。

    In this paper , a simulation based on HLA is designed for the research of satellite autonomous navigation technology .

  16. 武器精确制导系统技术包括了卫星导航定位技术(例如GPS、GLONASS等)和捷联惯导系统(SINS)。

    Precision guided weapon system technology , including satellite navigation and positioning technologies ( such as GPS , GLONASS , etc. ) and SINS ( SINS ) .

  17. GNSS卫星导航定位技术在测绘、通信、军事、航天、电力、遥感等领域得到了广泛的应用。

    The navigation and position technology based on Global Navigation Satellite System ( GNSS ) are widely used in mapping , telecommunication , military products , astronavigation , electric power , remote sensing and so on .

  18. 导航战背景下的卫星导航定位技术

    Navigation and Positioning Technology Under the Background of the Navigation Warfare

  19. 卫星导航定位技术的发展,在各应用领域产生了巨大的经济与社会效益。

    With the development of GNSS , huge benefit has been produced .

  20. 卫星导航定位技术在C~4ISR中的应用

    Application of Technique of Satellite Navigation and Positioning to C ~ 4ISR System

  21. 地球同步轨道卫星自主导航技术研究。

    The research on geosynchronous satellite autonomous navigation technology .

  22. 基于日-地-月信息的卫星自主导航技术研究

    Autonomous navigation technology for satellites based on sun-earth-moon information

  23. 现代卫星导航系统技术的研究进展

    Study of the Current Satellite Navigation System Techniques

  24. 卫星导航定位技术无论在军事、还是商业应用中都具有巨大的价值。

    Satellite navigation and positioning technology , whether in the military , or commercial applications is of great value .

  25. 最后,对导航战背景下的卫星导航定位技术所面临的挑战和应对措施进行了讨论。

    At last , it takes over the challenges and counter-measures of the navigation and positioning satellite technology under the background of the navigation warfare .

  26. 卫星导航定位技术在军事领域和民用领域都得到了极其广泛性的应用,形成了无法估量的军事、经济和社会价值。

    Satellite navigation and positioning technologies have found broad applications in both military and civil domain , and brought invaluable military , economic and social merit .

  27. 本文在前人的基础上,对编队卫星相对导航技术进行进一步研究:首先,对编队卫星的相对动力学进行描述。

    In the previous basis , this thesis makes further study of relative navigation for formation flying satellites . Firstly , several discription of relative dynamics for formation satellites is studied .

  28. 随着嵌入式技术和卫星导航定位技术的不断发展,借助于全球卫星定位系统的汽车嵌入式定位导航系统已经成为了汽车行业的新的焦点。

    With the continuous development of embedded technology and satellite positioning technology , automotive embedded positioning and navigation system has become the new focus of the automotive industry with the help of global positioning system .

  29. 卫星导航定位技术因为其在军事领域的重要应用,是关系国家安全的重要战略资源;同时在民用领域也具有广阔应用空间,有着非常好的的市场前景。

    The technology of satellite navigation and positioning is important strategic resources with national security because of its application in military field . It has very good market prospect with wide application in civil field as well .

  30. 星光大气折射法是卫星自主导航技术发展起来的一种新的导航方法,直接影响其精度的主要因素是星光大气折射模型的不确定性。

    The method of starlight atmosphere refraction is a new kind of navigation method developed based on autonomous navigation for satellite , the main direct factors of affecting it 's precision are uncertainty of model of starlight atmosphere refraction .