
  • 网络Country Garden;garden village
  1. 全世界的室内设计师都希望从英国乡村花园汲取美妙的灵感,这并非没有道理。

    It 's not for nothing that interior decorators the world over look to the English country garden for glorious inspiration .

  2. 我回想着那围起灌木树篱以避开巴塔哥尼亚劲风侵袭的英式乡村花园,阿根廷人是不会这样侍弄花园的。

    I think back to the English country garden sheltered from the Patagonia wind behind hedgerows no Argentine would have planted .

  3. 就在我小小顿悟完毕的30分钟后,我和妻子到了原定的目的地,那是一个乡村花园展览所。

    Just thirty minutes after my mini-epiphany , my wife and I arrived at our original destination - a country garden show .

  4. 我担任乡村花展和花园的评判快30年了。

    I have been judging village flower shows and gardens for nearly thirty years .

  5. 十六年前这妇人还是一个少女,嬉戏于一位乡村老牧师的花园。

    Sixteen years ago that woman was a child , playing in the garden of the old parsonage , in the country .