
  1. 露营,作为一种时尚前卫的户外旅游方式,已经越来越为渴望健康时尚生活的人们所喜爱和追捧。

    Camping as a trendy sort of outdoor tourism is favored by more and more people aspiring to the fashionable life .

  2. 针对以上研究,提出在河北省发展户外旅游的必要性、指导思想、方法措施等内容。

    In view of the above research , I put forward the necessity , guiding theory , practical methods and so on .

  3. 本文希望通过以上论述,为户外旅游发展提供参考,并丰富户外旅游的研究。

    I hope through these above statements , I can provide reference for outdoor tourism development and contribute to outdoor tourism research .

  4. 卓尔愿与一切保护绿化,支持希望工程,爱好户外旅游及运动的人们保持联络,并在他们之间架起一座桥梁。

    Pomolangma would like keep contact with all the people who are interested in greening nature , Hope Project and outdoor activities and make a bridge among them .

  5. 漂流就是一种集娱乐性、刺激性于一体的户外探险旅游项目。

    Rafting is such a Outdoor adventure tourism activities , integrating entertainment and Irritability .

  6. 户外自助旅游的探析与思考&以南昌户外自助旅游为例

    An Analysis of Outdoor Help-yourself Tourism

  7. 以南昌户外自助旅游为例进行解剖,对旅游经济的产业链及旅游组织形式进行探讨。

    The paper discusses the industrial chain of tourism economy and the tourist pattern on the basis of studying the outdoor help-yourself tourism of Nanchang .

  8. 第二部分分析户外自助旅游中存在的法律关系,从情谊行为和合同关系两方面分析法律关系。

    Outdoor self-help tourism in the second part analysis the legal relationship , from two aspects of friendship behavior and contractual relationship analysis of legal relationship .

  9. 第一部分通过国内典型案例和案例判决,找出案件争议焦点,提出户外自助旅游中的问题。

    The first part , through the typical case and case judgment , find the focus of dispute , put forward the problems in outdoor self-help travel .

  10. 通过以上分析,笔者认为乐游户外运动旅游网站信息流对人流的导引作用比较明显。

    In a word , the author considers that the guiding function of information flow to people flow is very obviously in Leyou outdoor sports club tourism website .

  11. 在漂流等户外休闲旅游的研究领域中,对游客内在人格心理与体验质量的关系研究尚属空白。

    In the study field of outdoor leisure travel , such as rafting , research on the relationship between tourists ' inner personality and the quality of experience is blank .

  12. 大量的户外活动迎候旅游者的到来,包括观尝鸟类,航海,深海钓鱼和露营。

    A host of outdoor activities awaits tourists , including bird watching , sailing , deep-sea fishing and camping .

  13. 附送停车位、绿地花园,集生态休闲、户外运动、旅游观光、商务会谈于一体。

    Free parking spaces , green gardens , set ecological recreation , outdoor sports , tourism , sightseeing , business meetings in one .

  14. 那,你跟朋友们喜欢什么样的假期?购物?美食?户外运动?还是旅游?

    Nick : Well , what sort of holidays do you and your friends like ? Shopping , eating , outdoors or tour style holidays ?

  15. 热带地区的人享受着阳光的热量,热爱户外运动,热爱旅游,当然还有每个人最爱的游泳。

    People in tropical countries are enjoying the heat of the sun , the opportunity to do outdoor activities , travel , and of course everyone 's favorite , swimming .