
  1. 曹兴诚(RobertTsao)拥有世界上最知名的亚洲艺术私人藏品。他在台湾当局就他在中国大陆投资起诉他不成功后,放弃了台湾籍。

    Robert Tsao , who gave up his Taiwanese citizenship after authorities there sued him unsuccessfully for investing in mainland China , owns one of the world 's most renowned private collections of Asian art .

  2. 曹兴诚被控在没有得到股东批准和没有报酬的情况下,利用联华电子的资源,帮助组建大陆芯片制造商和舰科技(Hejian)。

    Mr Tsao is charged with using UMC resources to help in the establishment of Hejian , a chipmaker in China , without approval from UMC shareholders and without payment .

  3. 曹兴诚表示,尽管当时确有相关禁令,但他之所以帮助建立和舰,是为了给联华电子在大陆争得一席之地。

    Mr Tsao argues that he helped set up Hejian in an attempt to help UMC obtain a presence in China despite a ban at the time .

  4. 在商业中,收购有着善意收购和敌意收购之分,但最终,所有的收购都需要争得股东的同意,曹兴诚称。

    There are friendly and hostile takeovers in business , but in the end all takeovers need to be agreed upon by shareholders , Mr Tsao said .