
  1. 徽州私撰家谱与公修族谱的差异

    The difference between privately-written pedigree and publicly-written clan pedigree in Huizhou prefecture

  2. 明人私撰日本图籍及其对日本的认知

    Private Writings of the Japanese Books and Pictures and Their Cognition of Japan in the Ming Dynasty

  3. 扬州私撰志书在扬州地方志中占有很大的比重,它们亦是扬州学术文化的重要组成部分。

    The unofficially local chronicles constitute a large portion of the local chronicles of Yangzhou and make up an important aspect of the learning and cultural sphere of Yangzhou .

  4. 本文主要从规模、篇幅与流传形式,体例与内容,记载内容的真实性三个方面,对徽州私撰家谱与公修族谱之间的差异进行比较研究。

    Mainly from their contents , authenticity of the contents , scale , space and how they were handed down , this article makes comparative study on the difference between privately-written pedigree and publicly-written clan pedigree in Huizhou prefecture .