
sī bēn
  • elopement;elope;run away;run off
私奔 [sī bēn]
  • [elope] 指女的不顾阻拦投奔所爱的人或一块逃跑

私奔[sī bēn]
  1. 他们自私奔以来就一直是人们闲谈的话题。

    They have been the town talk ever since their elopement .

  2. 她妹妹的私奔丑闻导致先上车后补票的婚姻

    whose own sister 's elopement resulted in a scandalously patched-up marriage

  3. 她与老板私奔了。

    She ran away with her boss .

  4. 我和他一直盘算着一起私奔。

    He and I were always planning to run away together .

  5. 她爱上了一个人,和那人私奔了。

    She fell in love with someone and ran off with him

  6. 她和一个脑筋不太好使的滑雪教练私奔了。

    She ran off with an intellectually challenged ski instructor .

  7. 去年,她和一个叫麦克塔维什的男人私奔了。

    She ran away with a man called McTavish last year

  8. 1912年,他和弗丽达·冯·里希特霍芬私奔了。

    In 1912 he eloped with Frieda von Richthofen .

  9. 我绝不可能和别人的丈夫私奔。

    The last thing I 'm going to do is run off with some-body 's husband

  10. 我想卡罗琳与她爱上的那个男人私奔了。

    I suppose Carolyn went off with some man she 'd fallen in love with .

  11. 我和女友琳恩私奔了。

    My girlfriend Lynn and I eloped

  12. 我们可以一起私奔,但是我俩都不想在国外度过余生。

    We could run off together , but neither of us wants to live the rest of our lives abroad .

  13. 他拐了朋友的老婆私奔。

    He went away with his friend 's wife .

  14. 她与情人私奔了。

    She eloped with her lover .

  15. 我可无法想象Dorothy跟IvanCousins一起私奔

    I can 't imagine Dorothy running off with Ivan Cousins .

  16. 实际上她和Greg的叔叔私奔了

    Actually she run off for Greg ' uncle .

  17. 到底没能跟W分成手,因为鬼使神差,她跟一个职业马戏团丑角私奔去了芬兰。

    Did not have to break off with W.after all , for as luck would have it , she ran off to Finland with a professional circus geek .

  18. VideoJug这段私奔方法指南将告诉你。

    Let this VideoJug guide to the mechanics of eloping show you .

  19. 按常理说情侣们会私奔到苏格兰去结婚,不过James和SharonMcGregor和别人做得略有不同。他们瞒着所有家人和朋友,从苏格兰伐夫郡前往英格兰布莱顿举行秘密婚礼。然而他们的秘密婚礼曝光的方式却很出奇。

    Traditionally , couples elope to Scotland to get married , but James and Sharon McGregor did things a little different.Without telling their family or friends , they traveled from Fife to Brighton for their secret wedding .

  20. 村委会发言人RajenderMalick说:“村委会制定了'禁止未婚女孩使用手机'的新村规,这样可以防止未婚女孩违背父母意愿与年轻男孩私奔”。

    " The panchayat has imposed a ban on the usage of mobile phones by unmarried girls to prevent them from eloping with young boys against the wishes of their parents ," a panchayat spokesman said .

  21. 我丈夫在两年前和其他女人私奔。

    My husband ran off with another woman two years ago .

  22. 他与女友私奔到里兹去了。

    He has gone off with his girl friend to leeds .

  23. 那位作家与他朋友的妻子一起私奔了。

    The writer has run away with his friend 's wife .

  24. 要是再拖两个星期,我们就得私奔了。

    Another two weeks , and we 'd have to elope .

  25. 跟那女孩私奔会摧毁了这间屋子。

    Running away with that girl would have destroyed this house .

  26. 琼抛弃了自己家庭,跟一个水手私奔了。

    Joan deserted her family and ran away with a sailor .

  27. 她抛下丈夫和孩子,和另一个男人私奔了。

    Her husband and children and went off with another man .

  28. 黛安是不是和年轻的里瓦先生私奔了

    didn 't Diane and young Mr Riva run away together ?

  29. 约翰和老板的女儿私奔了。

    John and the boss 's daughter have run away together .

  30. 她说她想和他私奔

    She was saying she wanted to run away with him .