
  • 网络Colombian Coffee;Colombia;Colombia coffee
  1. 与哥伦比亚咖啡相同特质。

    The same wonderful characteristics of a Colombian coffee in the decaffeinated form .

  2. 有哥伦比亚咖啡吗?

    Do you carry Colombian coffee ?

  3. 由于哥伦比亚咖啡豆价格上涨,上个月,麦斯威尔(maxwellhouse)咖啡品牌的所有者卡夫(kraft)将其哥伦比亚调配咖啡的零售价提高了近19%。

    Kraft , owner of the Maxwell House coffee brands , raised retail prices on its Colombian blend by almost 19 per cent last month due to the rising prices of Colombian coffee beans .

  4. 我很乐意把这些上等的哥伦比亚咖啡豆磨好

    I 'd be happy to grind up some of those fine columbian coffee beans

  5. 你想要喝新鲜的哥伦比亚咖啡所以我就给你准备了一些新鲜的哥伦比亚咖啡

    You want fresh blue Columbia coffee and so I got you some fresh blue Columbia coffe

  6. 而颜色、形状等其它差别,与哥伦比亚咖啡豆相比,同样也很明显。

    Other differences , such as colour and shape , were also noticeable when compared with a sample of Colombian beans .

  7. 阿吉雷先生是全国范围种植计划的数千参与者之一,这个计划是由哥伦比亚咖啡种植者联合会运作的,这个联合会代表了超过50万的独立种植户。

    He was one of thousands of farmers who joined in a countrywide scheme run by the Colombian Coffee Growers Federation , which represents more than 500 , 000 independent growers .

  8. 五年前,为提高哥伦比亚原产咖啡的收益和声誉,哥伦比亚咖啡联合会(ColombianCoffeeFederation)创建了JuanValdez公司。

    Juan Valdez is a five-year old company created by the Colombian coffee Federation to boost revenue and prestige for Colombian grown coffee .

  9. 随着哥伦比亚的咖啡供应量的萎缩,国际上的咖啡买家开始向其它咖啡生产地寻求供应。

    As supply from Colombia shrank , international buyers turned to growers elsewhere .

  10. 土耳其咖啡有点类似于哥伦比亚风咖啡,更浓烈一些。

    Turkish is usually a blend of Colombian coffee and that is why it 's usually stronger .

  11. 这个价格是法国超市里哥伦比亚研磨咖啡价格的7—8倍。

    That price is seven to eight times the price of Colombian ground coffee in French supermarkets .

  12. 不像哥伦比亚盛产咖啡,也不似瑞士以加工咖啡闻名,奥地利是以咖啡馆文化著称于世的。

    Columbia is famous of its coffee bean , Switzerland known for its coffee process , but Austria 's cafes culture is well known to the whole world .

  13. 费尔南多·加斯特,哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室主任,表示卡斯蒂罗的种子已被送往墨西哥、萨尔瓦多以及哥斯达黎加进行进一步评估。

    Fernando Gast , Cenicaf é 's director , says seeds of the Castillo coffee plants have been sent to Mexico , El Salvador and Costa Rica for evaluation .

  14. 这些咖啡树中的四分之三被一种被称为卡斯蒂罗的抗罗亚品种替代,此品种是由哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室经过13年精心选育开发出来的。

    Three-quarters of them were replaced with a roya-resistant variety known as Castillo , which had been developed in the labs of Cenicaf é, the coffee federation 's research arm , after 13 years of selective breeding .

  15. 这些咖啡树中的四分之三被一种被称为“卡斯蒂罗”的“抗罗亚”品种替代,此品种是由哥伦比亚国家咖啡研究中心实验室经过13年精心选育开发出来的。

    Three-quarters of them were replaced with a roya-resistant variety known as Castillo , which had been developed in the labs of Cenicaf é , the coffee federation 's research arm , after 13 years of selective breeding .

  16. 是的,巴西和哥伦比亚都种咖啡。

    Yes . It is grown in Brazil and Columbia .

  17. 哥伦比亚向美国出口咖啡。

    Columbia coffee to the United States .

  18. 或尝一尝用陈年咖啡豆酿制的咖啡,比如1954年的哥伦比亚特优陈年咖啡豆。

    Or try a brew made with aged beans , like an extra-fine Colombian vintage from 1954 .

  19. 他认为,这与哥伦比亚市场恰恰相反,哥伦比亚的咖啡爱好者仍然热衷于尝鲜。

    That contrasts with the Colombian market , where coffee drinkers are still mesmerized by novel drinks , Munoz said .