
  • 网络National University of Colombia;Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  1. 哥伦比亚国立大学的校长MoisésWasserman说,这种事情并非第一次发生,但是对于当前的威胁人们还知之甚少。

    Mois é s Wasserman , president of the National University of Colombia in Bogot á, says it is not the first time it has happened but that little is known about the current threats .

  2. 这些死亡威胁指控他参与了一支游击队。他在哥伦比亚国立大学的研究组的其他成员也收到了威胁,这导致了他们在今年4月被遣散。

    Other members of his research group at the National University were also threatened , leading them to disband in April .