
  • 网络Jewelry designer;Jewellery Designer
  1. 珠宝设计师杰米・沃尔夫(JamieWolf)没有让怀孕阻碍她在芭蕾课上继续练习下蹲和划圈等动作。

    Jewelry designer Jamie Wolf doesn 't let pregnancy stop her from doing plies and ronds de jambe in her ballet class .

  2. 除了写着“KIM”的钻石牙套,这位真人秀明星在十一月定型了牙,做了新的钻石和黄金牙套,由珠宝设计师多蕾·寇冷负责。

    In addition to scoring a " KIM " diamond grill , the reality star got her mouth molded in November for a new custom diamond and gold grillmade by jewelry designer Dolly Cohen .

  3. 另一位纽约珠宝设计师帕米拉·洛芙(PamelaLove),去年也将经营范围扩展到了高级珠宝首饰。此前,她的廉价珠宝品牌自2007年创立以来,就在年轻女性之间风靡开了。

    Another New York based designer , Pamela Love , whose costume jewelry brand also saw cult success with young women when it launched in 2007 , expanded in to fine jewelry last year .

  4. 纽约市的一些珠宝设计师们直接迎合了这一市场需求,比如2011年发布了伊娃-费伦(EvaFehren)系列珠宝的伊娃·扎克曼(EvaZuckerman),和2013年开设了自己的珠宝精品店的安娜·谢菲尔德(AnnaSheffield)。

    New York designers like Eva Zuckerman , who launched her Eva Fehren line in 2011 , and Anna Sheffield , whose boutique opened in 2013 , are catering directly to that market .

  5. 香港——“世界上最昂贵的钻石项链”背后的创作者是香港珠宝设计师陈世英(WallaceChan),他从八岁就开始做手艺活了。

    HONG KONG - Wallace Chan , the Hong Kong jeweler behind the creation of what has been called the world 's most expensive diamond necklace , began working with his hands when he was 8 years old .

  6. 在卢浮宫(Louvre)装饰艺术博物馆(MuseedesArtsDecoratifs)举办的德赖斯・范诺顿(DriesVanNoten)时装展开幕式,吸引了设计界偶像人物克劳德・蒙塔纳(ClaudeMontana)和情色珠宝设计师贝托尼・弗农(BetonyVernon)等名人。

    Chic-est Fete The opening of the Dries Van Noten exhibition at the Louvre 's Mus é e des Arts D é coratifs drew notables from design icon Claude Montana to erotic-jewelry designer Betony Vernon .

  7. LuluFrost创始人、该品牌女士珠宝设计师丽莎・萨尔泽(LisaSalzer)说:“我觉得对男士来说,关键在于得有意义。”该品牌最近还推出了名为GeorgeFrost的男士品牌。

    I think for men , the key is that it have meaning , ' said Lisa Salzer , who designs women 's jewelry for her own label , Lulu Frost , and recently spun off a men 's line called George Frost .

  8. 珠宝设计师杰米•沃尔夫告诉InStyle网站,在确保我们的一切都是完美的时本非常的体贴和细致,我们希望所有关于戒指的事情能传达给娜塔莉很重要的东西。

    Jewelry designer Jamie Wolf told InStyle . com , Ben was exceptionally thoughtful and dedicated and patient to make sure we had everything right * we wanted everything about the ring to speak to things that are important to Natalie .

  9. 珠宝设计师杰米•沃尔夫告诉InStyle网站,“在确保我们的一切都是完美的时本非常的体贴和细致,我们希望所有关于戒指的事情能传达给娜塔莉很重要的东西。”

    Jewelry designer Jamie Wolf told , " Ben was exceptionally thoughtful and dedicated and patient to make sure we had everything right ... we wanted everything about the ring to speak to things that are important to Natalie . "

  10. 我的理想是要成为世界一流的珠宝设计师。

    My ambition is to be a top jewellery designer in the world .

  11. 珠宝设计师万宝宝从一开始就是贝嫂的粉丝,她说,

    Jewellery designer Bao Bao , a fan since the start , agrees .

  12. 日本珠宝设计师协会

    Japan Jewellery Designers Association

  13. 男星舒尔曼还是一名珠宝设计师,他与科怀特遗产珠宝公司共同设计订婚戒指。

    Shulman , an actor and jewellery designer , collaborated with Kwiat Heritage Jewels to create the sparkler .

  14. 现在,选择时尚珠宝设计师很流行,而且便宜。

    You may also opt for designer fashion jewelry which are cost effective and much appreciated in present times .

  15. 模特凯特·莫斯参加在伦敦米尔班克大厦举办的由顶级珠宝设计师肖恩?利恩设计的“白光”钻石胸饰揭幕活动时,右侧腰部不慎走光。

    Model Kate Moss attends the unveiling of the ' White Light ' diamond brooch designed by Shaun Leane at Millbank Tower in London , England .

  16. 近些年来,一大批年轻、前卫又不失优雅的高级珠宝设计师陆续闪亮登场。而且,他们也正在迎合一群具有同样风格的客户。

    In the last few years , a spate of young , edgy but still elegant fine jewelry designers have come on to the scene , and they 're catering to a clientele that could be described the very same way .

  17. 电影明星哈维尔·巴登被《绅士季刊》英国版选为“全球最具衣着品味男人”,紧随其后的是珠宝设计师兼演员瓦里斯·阿鲁瓦里亚和美国热播吸血鬼剧《真爱如血》的主演、瑞典影星亚历山大·斯卡斯加德。瓦里斯·阿鲁瓦里亚出生于印度,是锡克教教徒。

    Film star Javier Bardem was chosen by GQ 's British edition as its top best-dressed man internationally , followed by Indian-born Sikh jewelry designer and actor Waris Ahluwalia and Alexander Skarsgard , Swedish star of the hit US television vampire show " True Blood . "

  18. 在布鲁克林推出了莫辛(Mociun)品牌珠宝的设计师凯特琳·莫辛(CaitlinMociun)说,她总是惊讶地看到许多年轻女性戴着高级首饰,在从事上一代女性只有摘下珠宝才会去做的那些日常活动。

    Caitlin Mociun , who designs the Brooklyn based line Mociun , said she 's always surprised by the number of young women she sees in fine jewelry doing the everyday things that women of a previous generation would have removed their gems for .

  19. 流动的音符&中国当代珠宝首饰设计师江保罗

    Flowing Note & Contemporary Chinese Master of Jewelry Design , Jiang Baoluo

  20. 这意味着不仅苏塞克斯公爵的公爵和公爵夫人的资金,还有他们的珠宝及设计师服装也将被征税。

    This means it 's not only the Duke and Duchess of Sussex " money that will be taxed . Their jewellery and designer outfits are also subject to tax return .

  21. 它不是一个好时机,买昂贵的衣服或珠宝,甚至设计师香水。

    It has not been a good time to buy expensive clothes or jewels or even designer perfume .

  22. 最近推出一个男士珠宝品牌的珠宝设计师莫妮克&12539;佩昂(MoniquePean)采用的是有着丰富历史的老材料。

    Jewelry designer Monique Pean , who recently launched a men 's line , uses materials with notable past lives .

  23. 最近几年,中国对珠宝、手表以及设计师产品的需求飙升,推动香港最知名购物街的门店租金直线上涨,超过了纽约第五大道(FifthAvenue)、巴黎香榭丽舍大街(Champs-Élysées)和伦敦邦德街(BondStreet)。

    Surging Chinese demand for jewellery , watches and designer goods sent rents in Hong Kong 's most famous shopping streets rocketing in recent years , overtaking New York 's Fifth Avenue , Paris 's Champs - É lys é es and London 's Bond Street .

  24. 路易丝曾担任过珠宝鉴定师、设计师和店铺经理。

    Louise has worked as a jewellery appraiser , designer and store manager .