
  • 网络JEWELRY BOX;jewel box;Jewellery Box
珠宝盒 [zhū bǎo hé,zhū bǎo xiāng]
  • [jewel box;jewel case] 专为装珠宝饰物而设计的一种小箱(盒)

  1. 就像你珠宝盒底的项链

    like necklaces in the bottom of your jewelry box .

  2. 格雷斯:这是珠宝盒吗?

    Grace : Is that a jewelry box ?

  3. 她昨天买了一只漂亮的珠宝盒。

    She bought a nice jewel case yesterday .

  4. 许多人为了心爱的人,会倾囊购买珠宝盒鲜花。

    Many will break the bank buying jewelry and flowers for their beloveds .

  5. 这些藏品包括桌子、珠宝盒以及由琥珀制成的国际象棋。

    These included tables , jewelry boxes and chess sets made of amber .

  6. 她在房间里仔细地搜查了她母亲的珠宝盒。

    She was in the room and rifled through her mother 's jewel case .

  7. 有人把你的珠宝盒给偷走了。

    Someone has stolen your treasure box .

  8. 一看到这个珠宝盒,太后就会以为我们找到了真的安娜斯塔西娅。

    One look at this jewellery box , the empress will think we have the real anastasia .

  9. 其造型设计构思来源于珠宝盒,其外立面创造出令人惊奇的动态效果。

    The inspiration of its exterior design comes from jewel boxes with the facades presenting dynamic effects .

  10. 珠宝盒、化妆品容器

    Jewellery Boxes Cosmetic Containers

  11. 约翰在他的朋友杰克后面高声地叫着:“嗨,杰克!有人把你的珠宝盒给偷走了。”

    John called after his friend jack ," hey , jack ! Someone has stolen your treasure box . "

  12. 2013年黄金价格的突然下降意味着中国和其他亚洲国家的消费者带动了珠宝盒金条的购买。

    The sudden price drop in 2013 meant many Chinese and Asian consumers brought forward jewelry and bar purchases .

  13. 在那儿,她看到了一张照片,照片上一个胖乎乎的小孩正打开一个珠宝盒,从盒子中飞出了蝴蝶。

    There Baumbich found a photograph of a chubby toddler opening a treasure chest -- out of which flew butterflies .

  14. 这个星光灿烂、五彩缤纷的疏散星团,称之为“珠宝盒”真是名副其实。

    Explanation : The great variety of star colors in this open cluster underlies its name : The Jewel Box .

  15. 相似的铭文有时还会出现在女子的化妆盒、珠宝盒、鼻烟盒和诸如此类的玩艺上。

    Similar traditional verses are sometimes found on hope chests , jewel boxes , snuff boxes , and the like .

  16. 然后,他遇见妮基杜马姬丝,一位来到镇上的女孩,身上配带著他认得的从棺木珠宝盒取下的天使挂饰。

    Then he meets Nikki Dumakis , the young girl who arrives in town wearing an angel pendant that he realizes is missing from the coffin jewel box .

  17. 他在一具棺木里找到一个水晶珠宝盒,这令他想起在东帝汶试图想抢救的任务种种情形。

    He finds a crystal jewel box in the shape of a coffin , which haunts him with reminders of the mission he tried to salvage in East Timor .

  18. 他们把财宝埋在地下。使用蓝胡子留下的钥匙让他们参观高塔、宝藏柜和珠宝盒。

    They bur their treasure under the grind . using the keys that Bluebeard had left to show them the tower , the treasure chests , and the jewel casket .

  19. 比方说,如果警方在寻找大宗物体,例如来复枪,他们不可对象珠宝盒这样的小容器进行检查。

    For example , if they 're looking for a large item , such as a rifle , they can 't look in a small container , like a jewelry box .

  20. 如今,一名来到佛罗伦萨的游客,单是面对这座城市的珠宝盒店和工匠工作室里的柜台与货架上码放的宝物,就可能完全被类似的现代人心理所攻陷。

    Today , a visitor to Florence could be stricken by a modern-day variant of that syndrome , simply faced with the treasures arrayed on counters and shelves in the city 's jewel-box shops and artisan ateliers .

  21. 女王的反应,让观看BBC加冕仪式的群众纷纷点赞。其中有评论说,要让女王相信,好歹也编个像样点的故事,珠宝藏饼干盒这个也太水了。

    Her reaction was noted by people watching ' The Coronation ' on BBC and one viewer said : ' You need better stories than jewels in a biscuit tin to impress the Queen . '

  22. 梁姬罐不是礼器,应是盛放珠宝的首饰盒。

    Liangji jar is the jewel case instead of the ritual vessel .

  23. 那些目前没被她纳入轮展的珠宝,都存放在“一些华丽又实用的盒子里,”她说,诸如伊丽莎白·温斯托克(ElizabethWeinstock)和斯迈森(Smythson)这些公司做的珠宝盒,“储物格越多越好。”

    Pieces that are not in rotation at the moment are stored in " luxe , utilitarian boxes , " she said , made by companies like Elizabeth Weinstock and Smythson . " The more compartments , the better . "