
  1. 珠江文化教育培训中心为一家在广州注册的民营教育机构。

    Pearl River Training Center is a non-governmental educational institution officially registered in Guangzhou .

  2. 早期移民的心态是中华海洋文化特别是珠江文化的典型代表。

    The mentality of the early settlers is a typical representative of the Chinese marine culture , especially the Pearl River culture .

  3. 佛教禅宗派六祖惠能创始的禅学文化,典型地体现了珠江文化的传统特质;

    The Chan culture created by Hui-neng , the sixth generation of the Chan School in Chinese Buddhism typically represents the Pearl River culture tradition .

  4. 西江文化是珠江文化的主流之一,具有鲜明的山水、平民化等特色。

    The Xijiang culture , which enjoys the characteristics of landscape , commonality , etc. , is one of the essential parts of the Zhujiang River Culture .

  5. 珠江文化自古以来务实、敏锐、争先,因吸纳海洋文化精华而封闭意识和保守性较少,开放性和先进性成份多。

    Pearl culture since ancient times pragmatic , sensitive , and competed to attract marine cultural refinement and closed awareness and less conservative , openness and progressiveness ingredients and more .

  6. 其在中古兴旺时期的思想文化意识,体现了球江文化在古代的思维方式和行为方式,标志着珠江文化与黄河文化、长江文化的明显区别;

    The ideological and cultural awareness in the mid-ancient prosperous age reveals the modes of thoughts and behaviour of the Pearl River culture in the ancient times , distinguishes Pearl River culture from Yellow River culture and Yangtze River culture .

  7. 而这正是与作为东方智慧的佛教禅宗的自在独立的精神本体相沟通的。佛教禅宗派六祖惠能创始的禅学文化,典型地体现了珠江文化的传统特质;

    The free will is characterized by both the Occidental Plato 's ideas tradition and the Oriental spiritual noumenon . The Chan culture created by Hui-neng , the sixth generation of the Chan School in Chinese Buddhism typically represents the Pearl River culture tradition .

  8. 珠江流域民族文化与生态旅游开发研究&以贵州段为分析个案

    A Study of the Eco-cultural Tourism Development along the Pearl River Watershed

  9. 生态环境与珠江三角洲古文化

    The Environment and Ancient Culture of Delta of Pearl River

  10. 珠江三角洲历史文化村镇的类型及特征研究

    Research on Types and Characteristics of Historic Towns and Villages in the Pearl River Delta

  11. 环珠江口树皮布文化很可能是全球树皮布文化的源头。

    The culture of bark cloth around the estuary of Pearl River might be the origin of this kind of cultures throughout the world .