
  1. 发展高职珠宝专业教育,服务地方经济建设

    Developing Higher and Professional Education of Jewelry Speciality and Serving Local Economy Construction

  2. 珠宝专业知识在营销中的应用

    The Application of Jewellery Professional Knowledge in Selling

  3. SLOTUS银荷珠宝是专业的金银珠宝设计商和制造商。ISO9000:2001认证企业。

    SLOTUS jewelry is a professional fine jewelry and fashion jewelry manufacturer with ISO9000:2001 certification .

  4. 该系统具有测量可靠、使用便携、生产成本低等优点,可作为珠宝行业专业检测仪器,对珠宝石材种类进行快速鉴别,具有很广阔的应用前景。

    This measuring system has the advantage of reliable , easy to carry and , low cost to produce . It can be used as the professional measurement instrument to judge the gemstone quickly and it has the prospect of widely usage .

  5. 珠宝市场呼唤专业的珠宝评估师

    Market call for professional jewelry appraiser

  6. 我们将听到一些英国已婚男士说说他们的情况,以及一位当地珠宝商的专业看法。

    We will hear from some married British men and we get an expert opinion from a local jeweller .

  7. 他创建的企业Armrevolution也是如此。该公司的目标是将打造一个由珠宝和工业设计专业毕业的设计师团队,彻底改变袖扣界的面貌。

    And so to his new business venture , Armrevolution , whose aim is to bring together a young team of graduate designers in jewellery and industrial design with a brief to overhaul the cufflink .

  8. 中国资产评估协会珠宝首饰艺术品评估专业委员会

    Gems & Jewelry and Arts Appraisal Committee of China Appraisal Society

  9. 天津商学院珠宝鉴定及营销专业人才培养模式的探讨

    The Jewelry Authenticate and Marketing Talented Person 's mode of Development

  10. 以番禺良好的珠宝首饰产业为依托,就发展高等职业技术类珠宝专业教育,更好地为地方经济建设服务进行了讨论,对进一步发展番禺的珠宝首饰产业经济提出了几点建议。

    Based on good supports of jewelry industry in Panyu , Guangzhou , the development of higher and professional education of jewelry speciality and serving local economy construction are discussed . Some proposes for further development of jewelry industry economy in Panyu , Guangzhou , are put forward .