
diàn yǐnɡ zhì piàn chǎnɡ
  • film studio;movie studio
  1. 合同规定他不可以为其他电影制片厂工作。

    The contract porovides that he cannot work for another movie studio .

  2. 她被借调到另一家电影制片厂去拍两部影片。

    She 's on loan to another movie studio for two films .

  3. 这家电影制片厂正迁往好莱坞。

    The film studio is transferring to Hollywood .

  4. 那家电影制片厂受到指责,说他们利用这位歌手的死来赚钱。

    The film studio is being accused of cashing in on the singer 's death .

  5. 昨天,一起爆炸使得英国最著名的电影制片厂之一发生强烈震动,导致3人受伤。

    Three people were injured yesterday when an explosion rocked one of Britain 's best known film studios

  6. 北京电影制片厂摄制组下个月去外地拍外景。

    The production unit of the Beijing Film Studio will leave Beijing for other parts of the country to film the exterior next month .

  7. 这些变化是福克斯循序渐进接班计划的一部分。该公司旗下资产包括福克斯新闻(FOXNEWS)、福克斯电视频道和好莱坞电影制片厂。

    The changes are part of a gradual succession plan at Fox , whose assets include Fox News , the Fox broadcast network and the Hollywood film studio .

  8. 好莱坞两大主要电影制片厂,派拉蒙影业和环球影业已经同意只用HDDVD发行影片。

    Two major Hollywood studios , Paramount Pictures and Universal Pictures , have agreed to release movie only in HD DVD .

  9. 据知情人士表示,所有大型电影制片厂也表达了对该特许经营权的兴趣,索尼影视(sonypictures)是领先竞争者。

    All the big film studios have also registered interest in the rights , with Sony Pictures a leading contender , according to a person familiar with the situation .

  10. 那时,他是历史悠久的巴贝尔斯堡电影制片厂(StudioBabelsberg)的负责人,该厂坐落在柏林附近。

    At the time , he was in charge of the venerable Studio Babelsberg , outside Berlin .

  11. 谷歌的这个项目让好莱坞激动不已,因为电影制片厂正在寻找新收入来源,以替代急剧下滑的dvd销售。

    The Google project has caused excitement in Hollywood because film studios are searching for new revenues to replace DVD sales , which are in steep decline .

  12. 随着越来越多的电影制片厂提供电影内容,用于在Facebook上播放,建立内容播放中心就显得至关重要,这样不仅能在某个中心地点聚集并突出显示内容,也能让用户及时获得最新消息。

    A content streaming hub will become vital as more studios bring content over to the social network , not only to aggregate and highlight content in one central location , but also to update users .

  13. 在1988年,BetteMidler电影制片厂发行了电影Beaches,谨以献给友谊和原谅的一部感人电影。

    In1988 Bette Midler 's production company released the film Beaches , a moving homage to friendship and forgiveness .

  14. 迪士尼其他业务,包括美国电视公司家庭频道(ABCFamily)、ESPN体育频道等有线电视网以及主题公园和电影制片厂,营收和利润都达到或超过了预期。

    The rest of the company , which includes its cable networks , like ABC Family and ESPN , as well as its theme parks and movie studios , met or beat revenue and profit expectations .

  15. 中国电商巨头阿里巴巴集团(AlibabaGroup)与狮门娱乐(LionsGateEntertainment)达成合作,为中国的阿里巴巴机顶盒用户提供独家订购类影视娱乐服务。狮门娱乐为美国电影制片厂,曾出品过《饥饿游戏》(TheHungerGames)等电影。

    Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba Group is teaming up with Lions Gate Entertainment , the US studio that produced The Hunger Games films , to offer Chinese owners of Alibaba 's set-top box a subscription TV service , write Charles Clover and Shannon Bond .

  16. 《大闹天宫》由上海美术电影制片厂在1961-1964年间制作,由法国LesFilmsdemaVie公司发行,是首部中国向世界出口的影片。

    Produced by Shanghai Art Film Studio from 1961 to 1964 and released by French company Les Films de ma Vie , animated feature " Uproar in Heaven " was one of the first films China exported to the world .

  17. 东德的国营电影制片厂DEFA制作了七部这种类型的电影,其中两部会在这个影展系列中放映。

    In East Germany , the state-run studio DEFA produced seven movies in this mode , two of which appear in the series .

  18. 苹果可以转而收购迪斯尼(WaltDisneyCo.,市值980亿美元),并拥有内容丰富的巨大数据库和“基础设施”以开发更多产品(ABC/ESPN频道、电影制片厂等)。

    Apple could buy Walt Disney Co. ( DIS ) instead ( ~ $ 98b MKT cap ) and own a vast library of content and the " infrastructure " to develop more ( ABC / ESPN , movie studios , etc. ) .

  19. 王冰刚刚开始在电影制片厂里工作。

    Wang Bing has just started working at a film studio .

  20. 电影制片厂拒绝了她拍续集的计划。

    The film studio nixed her plans to make a sequel .

  21. 在此期间电影制片厂培养他们的演员形象。

    During which time the studio built up their images .

  22. 角落里有些电影制片厂的人。

    There was some sophistos from the TV studios around the corner .

  23. 静安区内的上海美术电影制片厂是中国最重要的生产基地。

    Shanghai Animation Film Studio is the animation industry base of China .

  24. 好莱坞拥有一张通往中国首个电影制片厂的通行证。

    Hollywood has a laissez-passer to China 's first foundry of filmmaking .

  25. 电影制片厂之间合作拍摄电视节目。

    A joint venture between the film companies to produce TV shows .

  26. 包括出版商、唱片公司、电影制片厂在内的一众版权所有者大为震惊。

    Publishers , record labels , film studios and other content-owners are shocked .

  27. 他们可能是参观一家电影制片厂来着。

    They may have been visiting a film studio .

  28. 很多电影制片厂想要买下这个故事的独占权。

    Many movie studios wanted to buy the exclusive rights to the story .

  29. 20世纪80年代,上海电影制片厂推出219部动画电影。

    Shanghai Animation Film Studio had launched 219 animation films in the 1980s .

  30. 我们是不可能和好莱坞的电影制片厂竞争的

    No way we can compete with Hollywood studios .