
hòu wàng
  • high expectations;great hope;great expectations
厚望 [hòu wàng]
  • [great expectations] 殷切期望

厚望[hòu wàng]
  1. 萨拉冬奥会冠军的身份使得她登上了《时代》周刊封面。四年后,前往都灵的艾米丽同样肩负着美国的厚望——休斯家的另一位运动员即将夺冠。

    Sarah 's Olympic stardom landed her on the cover of TIME Magazine , and when Emily was heading to Turin four years later , she was cast as America 's great hope - another Hughes champion-in-the-making .

  2. 外国分析师和基金经理对中国的看法远比中国的管理者更乐观,这一说法听起来总是有些奇怪,但由于目前发达国家陷入各种危机的泥潭,全球其它很多地区都对中国经济寄予厚望。

    It is always strange to hear foreign analysts and fund managers who are far more bullish on China than the people who run it but with developed markets engulfed in various crises , the Chinese economy has become the great hope for much of the rest of the world .

  3. 他们对自己的孩子们寄予厚望。

    They have high hopes for their children .

  4. 我对德里克·兰德尔发挥重要作用寄予厚望。

    I had high hopes that Derek Randall might play an important part

  5. 要牢记责任使命,增强忧患意识,敢于担当,毫不懈怠,扎实有效解决问题,决不辜负人民的厚望。

    We must firmly bear in mind our duties and mission , increase our sense of vigilance against potential dangers , be eager to take on challenges , work tirelessly and effectively to solve problems , and truly live up to people 's expectations .

  6. “超极本”原本被人们寄予厚望,大家都认为它们可以给日益萧条的PC市场打一针强心剂。

    So-called ultrabooks were supposed to revive moribund PC sales .

  7. 苹果(Apple)新款iPhone的初期销售没有辜负人们的厚望。

    Early sales of Apple 's new iPhones have lived up to high expectations .

  8. 但是,facebook对社交网络寄予厚望,试图巩固其早期优势。

    Nonetheless , Facebook is betting on the social web and is trying to consolidate its early advantage .

  9. 随着加入WTO我国经济已全面融入世界,我国保税港区的发展被寄予厚望。

    Along with joining the WTO and China economy integrating into the world comprehensively , the development of bonded port area has been placed great expectations .

  10. 大功率LED寿命长、耗电少、发光效率高,在光效、寿命及环保等方面具有其它光源无法比拟的优势,是被寄予厚望的新一代半导体照明光源。

    High-power LED is a new semiconductor light source which has attracted much research attention because of its incomparable performance such as high Lumen efficiency , long-life and less power-consumption .

  11. 人们曾经对Google的这个新式操作系统给予了厚望,可结果看上去并非像许多人早先所期待那样是一个“改变世界”的革命性产品。

    People had high expectations for Google 's new operating system but the end result doesn 't look like the revolutionary ," change the world " product many had hoped for .

  12. 鉴于近年来运用于细胞移植修复肌肉损伤、改善肌肉收缩功能的报道,人们对干细胞移植治疗SUI寄予厚望。

    In recent studies , people have found that the stem cell transplantation can be used in muscle injure recovery and muscle contract improvement .

  13. 这也是为什么人们对世界各地规划及建设中的首批ccs示范项目寄予厚望。

    This is why there are such great expectations for the first CCS demonstration plants being planned and built around the world .

  14. 据彭博社(Bloomberg)资料显示,只有5个国家股市上涨:智利、委内瑞拉、突尼斯,再加上如今被寄予厚望的中国和印度。

    According to Bloomberg only five nations saw gains ; Chile , Venezuela and Tunisia plus the two on which hopes now hang China and India .

  15. 这个估值明显低于市场广泛预期的1000亿美元,一些投资者和分析师因此质疑,Facebook的IPO规模是否能不辜负市场在此次IPO筹备期间燃起的厚望。

    That is well below the $ 100bn widely anticipated in the markets and left some investors and analysts questioning whether Facebook 's IPO will live up to the high hopes aroused in the build-up .

  16. 对于AppleMusic和iCloud等面向消费者的服务,以及新推出的Watch配件,苹果寄予了厚望,但这些业务尚未真正壮大。

    Apple has high hopes for some of its consumer-oriented services , such as Apple Music and iCloud , as well as for its nascent Watch accessory , but those have yet to turn into giant businesses .

  17. 在接替马克・吐温的标杆人物的选择上,百慕大一直都对演员迈克尔・道格拉斯(MichaelDouglas)和他的妻子凯瑟琳・泽塔琼斯(CatherineZeta-Jones)寄予厚望,希望他们能给这里带来些许名人效应。

    And in place of Mark Twain , Bermuda has long counted on actor Michael Douglas and his wife , Catherine Zeta-Jones , for a dash of celebrity glamour .

  18. 在这三大支柱中,人们寄予厚望的是,日本央行(BoJ)激进的宽松货币政策将推动经济走出通缩螺旋。

    Of the three pillars , expectations are high that aggressive monetary easing by the Bank of Japan will pull the economy out of its deflationary spiral .

  19. 两大行业都试图立足本身现有资源,弥补颓势,设法寻找一种新的收入来源,IPTV就是被寄予如此厚望的一种业务。

    Both industry attempts to based on the existing resources itself , make up the weakness , try to find a new source of income , IPTV so expectation is a kind of business .

  20. 许多人对李宁(li-ning)寄予厚望,这是一家由奥运会体操项目金牌得主创办的运动鞋公司。

    Many people had high hopes for Li Ning , a sports shoe company started by an Olympic gold-medal winning gymnast .

  21. 并且由于Shor算法的提出,让人们看到了量子并行算法的优越性,使得人们对量子信息寄予厚望。

    As the Shor algorithm was proposed , people saw the advantages of quantum parallel algorithm . And this made people place high hopes on the quantum information .

  22. 其中,Li-Mg-N-H复合储氢体系以其较高的可逆储氢容量和合适的热力学性能而被寄予厚望。

    Among them , Li-Mg-N-H system has attracted considerable attention due to its high reversible hydrogen capacity and appropriate thermodynamic properties .

  23. 此外,哥伦比亚广播公司正涉足超级英雄领域,即将推出一部被寄予厚望的《女超人》(Supergirl)。该剧计划在周一晚上播出。

    The network is entering the superhero realm with a show it has high hopes for , " Supergirl , " which will go into that Monday night slot .

  24. 王建宙还表示,他“对台湾联发科技(MediaTek)寄予厚望”,这家芯片设计公司是中国大陆手机芯片最大的供应商。

    Mr Wang also said he " has great expectations of MediaTek , " Taiwan 's chip design company , the biggest supplier of mobile phone chips to China .

  25. Spotify、Rdio等被行业寄予厚望的流媒体音乐服务均迟迟未能进入日本市场。

    Streaming music services like Spotify and Rdio , widely seen as the industry 's best new hope for new revenue , have stalled in efforts to enter Japan .

  26. 当印度国大党政治家扎拉姆拉梅什(jairamramesh)在2005年发明“中印度”(chindia)这个词的时候,对于这两个新兴亚洲强国即将迎来一个睦邻友好的新时代,一些人曾寄予厚望。

    When Jairam Ramesh , a Congress Party politician , coined the term Chindia some time in 2005 , hopes were running high that a new era of Amity was about to dawn between the two emerging powerhouses of Asia .

  27. 这家公司对此新项目寄予厚望。

    The company is pinning its hopes on the new project .

  28. 几乎所有的人都在谈论阿黛尔那首被寄予厚望的最新单曲《你好》。

    Everyone is talking about Adele 's highly-anticipated comeback single Hello .

  29. 因此,人们对化学药物预防结肠癌寄予了厚望。

    Therefore , much hope is currently placed on chemo-prevention .

  30. 我生性稳重,有厚望焉。

    My parts were solid , and would wear well .