
  • 网络Platform;Thickness;Flange
  1. 这位真人秀明星对时尚有点研究,她用旧好莱坞式的卷发以及红唇混搭现代的巧克力迷你礼服裙和Kwiat珠宝以及厚底凉高跟。

    The reality star does a little time traveling in style , mixing Old Hollywood-glam pin curls and red lips with a modern-vixen chocolate mini , Kwiat jewels and major platform sandals .

  2. 厚底松糕鞋又流行起来了。

    Platform shoes are back in vogue .

  3. 将糖和水放在一只厚底锅里慢慢加热。

    Put the sugar and water in a heavy pan and heat slowly .

  4. 一般来说,尽管这样的厚底并不完全是LadyGaga的风格,但它们看上去的确十分古怪。

    Generally speaking , such platforms aren 't exactly in Lady Gaga 's style but they do look weird .

  5. 才改了全新的Twitter名字,这位刚结婚的新娘穿了“新娘白”的褶皱闪亮单肩迷你礼服群,配合厚底高跟鞋。

    Fresh off her brand-new Twitter name change , the recent bride slips into wedding white , wearing a draped and sequined one-shoulder mini with platform pumps .

  6. 有人曾引用古怪的Gaga说过的话,她说,她宁愿死都不愿粉丝们看不到她穿着这双个性的厚底鞋。

    Crazy Gaga has been quoted saying she would rather die than have her fans not see her in a pair of high heels .

  7. HM将售卖Eytys该瑞典品牌的厚底鞋和服饰,从1月24日起在全球线上线下商店同步发售成人和儿童衣服。

    The fast-fashion retailer will sell the Swedish label 's chunky-soled shoes and clothing for adults as well as items for children , starting Jan. 24 in some stores around the world and online .

  8. 很显然,Gaga小姐并没有意识到患深部静脉血栓的严重性,特别是在长途飞行中穿着不舒服的胶带衣服和挤脚的厚底鞋。

    Obviously Miss G does not realize just how serious DVT is , especially when wearing uncomfortable duct tape with snug platform shoes on a long haul flight !

  9. 所以,厚底凉鞋可以从早穿到晚。

    So , the platforms can be worn as day-to-night sandals .

  10. 香奈儿令厚底木屐不仅适于穿着并引领了时尚,她说。

    Chanel made the clog both wearable and fashion-forward , she says .

  11. 如果是这样的话,楔形厚底球鞋便是你的救星了。

    If so , high-top wedge sneakers are the answer .

  12. 艾米穿上十公分的厚底鞋。

    Amy puts on the ten centimeter platform shoes .

  13. 然而,厚底鞋从来也不符合我对鞋的选择标准。

    Yet chunky has never suited me shoe-wise .

  14. 老妈裤和厚底人字拖还舒服呢

    So are mom jeans and platform flip-flops .

  15. 那男人穿着厚底靴,不费什么力气就把火踩灭了。

    The man was wearing thick soled boots and easily trod out the fire .

  16. 性感迷你裙搭配厚底高跟鞋会很容易给人低俗的感觉。

    Pairing a sexy mini with platform high heels can easily veer into lady-of-the-evening territory .

  17. 妇女徒步旅行时穿结实的厚底平跟皮鞋。

    For hiking women wear shoes of stout leather with heavy soles and flat heels .

  18. 穆利根,九镑,三双袜子,一双粗革厚底皮鞋,几条领带。

    Mulligan , nine pounds , three pairs of socks , one pair brogues , ties .

  19. 在厚底的大煎锅里加蔬菜油,用大火加热。

    Add the vegetable oil to a large heavy-based frying pan and heat over high heat .

  20. 除了鞋跟,它的时尚色彩和装饰都让厚底凉鞋成为夏日必备凉鞋。

    Except for the heels , the addition of trendy colors and embellishments also make them must-haves .

  21. 厚底凉鞋不只拥有很厚的鞋跟,还有高高的水台。

    The chunky design not only goes for the heels , but for the platforms as well .

  22. 厚底凉鞋的舒适一直广受好评,能全天候“照顾”你的双脚。

    Chunky heels are reputed to be comfortable and provide support for your feet all day long .

  23. 将它与厚底鞋或坡跟鞋搭配不仅能保持随意和舒适,还能增加身高。

    Pair them with platforms or wedges to get extra height while keeping the look casual and comfortable .

  24. 我看得见她:金色的头发用一块大手帕包着,厚底鞋,粗糙的一双手。

    I saw her : blond hair pulled back in a bandanna , thick-soled shoes , work-hardened hands .

  25. 我讨厌如今到处泛滥的厚底鞋;它们就想抓住人们的注意力。

    I hate these platforms that are all over the place today ; they are all about grabbing attention .

  26. 厚底靴的穿着赋予雅典悲剧演员一种比实际生活夸张的外表,同时也提高了戏剧的强度。

    Wearing the buskin gave the Athenian tragic actor a larger-than-life appearance and enhanced the intensity of the play .

  27. 您是否认为厚底弹力跑鞋可以麻痹跑步者导致步幅过大?

    Runner 's World : Do you think that thick , cushioned shoes lull runners into taking a too-long stride ?

  28. 厚底木屐是木制的,是与环保潮流相关联的天然材料。

    Clogs are made of wood , a natural material linked to the trend for the protection of the environment .

  29. 我打算把一些价格不菲的普拉达厚底黑色漆皮鞋送给一个爱鞋狂朋友。

    I am about to give some very high black patent chunky Prada sandals to a friend who is shoe crazy .

  30. 随着高气压层薄膜厚底的增加,薄膜质量变差,电阻率增加。

    With the increase of the thickness of high pressure layer , the film crystallization becomes poor and the resistivity increased .