
  • 网络thick disk
  1. 银河系厚盘恒星的年龄-金属度关系

    Age - Metallicity Relation of Stars in the Galactic Thick Disk

  2. 银河系厚盘及其形成机制

    The Thick Disk of the Milky Way Galaxy and its Formation Mechanisms

  3. 近年来很多工作发现,厚盘恒星的α元素丰度随金属丰度的变化趋势与薄盘不同,这种不同还表现在Al、Mn、Zn、中子俘获元素等其他元素上。

    Recent observations show that the abundance patterns of α - elements in the thin and thick disk are distinct , and this difference also appear for some other elements , such as Al , Mn , Zn and neutron-capture elements .

  4. 有限厚盘星系的扰动引力势

    The perturbed gravitational potential of dish-like galaxies with finite thickness

  5. 厚盘动力分析的环形等参数元素和环形过渡元素

    Annular Isoparametric and Transition Elements for the Dynamic Analysis of Thick Discs

  6. 银河系厚盘恒星元素丰度研究

    New Progress in Chemical Abundance of Galactic Thick Disk Stars

  7. 结合年龄、运动学参数研究,恒星元素丰度可以对银河系厚盘形成机制提供观测依据。

    A comprehensive study in stellar elemental abundances , age and kinematics will be able to refine and constrain various models of Galactic thick disk formation .

  8. 利用黑洞吸积盘演化的基本方程组,在纯吸积情况下,求得了薄、厚吸积盘及一般厚吸积盘的黑洞视界半径rH的演化方程。

    The basic evolution equations of black hole accretion disks are used to derive the evolution characters of horizon radius r H of black hole surrounded by thin the thick disks respectively .

  9. 缓倾斜中厚矿体盘区开采顺序的优化设计

    The optimization of panel mining sequence for flat-dipping , middle-thick orebody

  10. 类星体的有磁厚吸积盘模型

    A Model of Thick Accretion Disk of QSOs with Magnetic Field

  11. 具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型

    The thick accretion disk model with a QUASI-DIPOLE magnetic field

  12. 类星体的厚吸积盘与自引力吸积盘模型

    The Thick Accretion Disk Model and Self-gravitating Accretion Disk Model of QSOs

  13. 本文从磁流体力学基本方程组出发,讨论了具有类偶极磁场的厚吸积盘模型。

    From the basic magnetohydrodynamics equations , the accretion disk model with a quasi-dipole magnetic field is discussed in this paper .

  14. 这些讨论表明,活动星系核的短时标光变特征对厚吸积盘模型提供了强有力的支持。

    The conclusion is : the short term variability behavior provides a strong support to the thick accretion disk model of AGN .

  15. 辐射压支持的流体厚吸积盘模型已经得到比较多的研究,看来存在一些难以解决的问题。

    The radiation pressure supported thick accretion disk model has been studied more extensively , and it seems to have some difficulties .

  16. 以基于泛函通用涡旋型线构成的变壁厚涡旋盘为研究对象,建立了以能效比为目标函数的结构参数优化模型。

    A variable wall thickness scroll plate constituted by general scroll profiles based on functional theory was taken as the study object .

  17. 本文对类星体的各种厚吸积盘模型,紫外超现象的吸积盘模型及自引力吸积盘模型作了简扼评述。

    The different kinds of think accretion disk models , the accretion disk model for ultraviolet excess and the self-gravitating accretion disk model in QSOs axe briefly reviewed .

  18. 这种既能体现广义相对论效应而又使计算过程大为简化的牛顿势,对于许多天体物理问题(例如厚吸积盘)的研究是非常适用的。

    Such a Newtonian potential is useful in studying astrophysical problems ( e.g.thick accretion disks ), since it is not only able to represent the general relativistic effects , but also to simplify calculations greatly .

  19. 厚皮深盘苹果甜点心。

    Deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust .

  20. 加了厚厚的、深深陷下去的软垫。厚皮深盘苹果甜点心。

    Upholstered thickly and deeply . deep-dish apple dessert covered with a rich crust .

  21. 最后文章还对某不等厚铝合金盘零件进行了冲锻成形工艺设计和优化,以降低成形力。

    At last , an optimized process of an aluminum alloy pan with non-uniform wall thickness was proposed , which successfully reduced the forming force .

  22. 缓倾斜中厚矿体的分盘区开采技术

    Mining technology by panels for gently inclined medium - thick ore body

  23. 厚断面大型研磨盘的铸造技术

    Casting Technology of Thick - section and Large-dimensional Grinding Plat