
sī shā
  • Fighting;fight at close quarters;fight at close quarters (with weapons)
厮杀 [sī shā]
  • [fight at close quarters (with weapons)] 相杀;互相搏斗

  • 在白河战斗中,因保护 刘宗敏,与 贺人龙厮杀,一时和部队失散。-- 姚雪垠《李自成》

厮杀[sī shā]
  1. 从古代冷兵器的面对面厮杀,到今天飞机导弹的远程轰炸,尽管战争的形式在不停的改变,导致战争的名义和出发点也各有不同,但战争的实质本质却不曾发生变化。

    From the fight at close quarters with cold weapon in ancient time , until the missile remote bombing by now , the form of war never stop its changes , even the origin of the war or the war purpose is different , the war never changed its substance .

  2. 这两支队将在明天的冠亚军决赛中厮杀。

    The two teams clash in tomorrow 's final .

  3. 他们在吉利根路上翻滚,模拟一场暴力厮杀。

    They rolled about on the Gilligan Road , simulating a bloodthirsty fight

  4. 两军厮杀,难解难分。

    The two opposing armies are locked in battle .

  5. 记得绝望和希望,彼此厮杀

    Remembered that despairs and hope that each other slaughters .

  6. 亲兄弟互相厮杀,直到一切全都毁灭。

    Brother turned on brother until nothing remained .

  7. 比武判决,让两个人在诸神面前相互厮杀来决定一个人是否有罪。

    Trial by combat , deciding a man 's guilt6 or innocence7 in the eyes of the gods by having two other men hack8 each other to pieces .

  8. 成长过程中,Workday需要与强大的竞争对手甲骨文(Oracle)和SAP展开“厮杀”。

    In the process , workday has found itself rivaling much larger firms Oracle ( orcl ) and sap ( SAP ) .

  9. 苹果公司(AppleInc.)和三星电子(SamsungElectronicsCo.)在利润丰厚的高端智能手机市场上展开厮杀时,中国不那么光鲜时髦的廉价智能手机市场却正在上演着另一场争夺战。

    While Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Co. take each other on in the lucrative high-end smartphone market , there is another battle taking place in the less glamorous world of inexpensive smartphones in China .

  10. FY公司是一家老牌企业,在模切机行业具有相当的代表性,但在市场的激烈竞争下,今天也同样被卷入类这轮残酷的厮杀中,甚至已涉及到企业的生存。

    But due to the fierce competition in the market today , she has also involved in this round of brutal fighting , even relates to the survival of enterprises .

  11. 据电子游戏研究公司Newzoo的总裁彼得•瓦尔曼称,全球绝大多数玩家玩的都是“多人联机在线竞技游戏”(MOBA),即多支参赛队伍在虚拟场景中捉对厮杀。

    According to Peter Warman , President of video game research firm newzoo , the majority of gamers around the world play the MoBa ( multiplayer online battle arena ) game that pits teams of Champions against one another within a fantasy setting .

  12. 可怖的厮杀声,回响耳边。(畔)

    The dread yell of Slogan yet sounds in our ears .

  13. 与其和他们厮杀,我更宁愿与他们共存。

    That I would rather live with men than kill them .

  14. 步行波兰贵族骑兵热衷步战厮杀,使用标枪作战。

    Dismounted , they make solid infantry armed with light spears .

  15. 他们没有厮杀,而是同心协力,因此得以幸存。

    Instead of fighting one another , they work together and survive .

  16. 军人们会面对面捉对厮杀。

    Soldiers would come face to face with one another to fight .

  17. 我承认,太而博不过是一头能厮杀的动物。

    I admit that Talbot is a mere fighting animal .

  18. 我站了出来阻止了所有的厮杀。

    I went out to stop the killing all over .

  19. 战争中的厮杀压力使他成为一个分裂性人格者。

    The stress of fighting in the war turned him into a schizoid .

  20. 欧斯特曼剑士可溯源于维京战士,使用长剑盾牌进行厮杀。

    Soldiers of Viking origin competent in the use of sword and shield .

  21. 霍在生前就是骑着这匹马征战厮杀,立下战功的。石马实际上是霍去病的象征。

    Huo had ridden this horse into battle and it became symbolic of him .

  22. 在你的脑海中,他们仍旧在厮杀。

    In your head they 're still fighting .

  23. 这些强悍矛兵通常骑乘骆驼进行厮杀,但必要时亦可步行作战。

    These hardy spearmen are used to riding camels but will fight on foot when necessary .

  24. 科恩斧兵是轻装突袭部队,使用短柄战斧进行厮杀,随时愿意接受高价雇佣。

    Lightly armoured Irish warriors armed with axes , willing to fight for whomever can pay them .

  25. 这些贵族部队虽然骑马行军,但极为热衷步战厮杀。

    As nobles , these men would of course ride to battle , but many would fight dismounted .

  26. 重装弓骑兵尽管钟爱骑马厮杀,但有时亦会步行作战。

    Despite preferring to fight on horseback , these heavily armoured archers have dismounted to fight on foot .

  27. 后来我才知道游击队的课程里,有这中国古代战争厮杀呐喊的演习。

    Later on I learned that the curriculum for partisans included this rehearsal of ancient Chinese war cries .

  28. 第三,暴力事件仅局限于特定区域,并且大多都是罪犯之间相互厮杀。

    Third , that violence is confined to certain areas and consists mostly of criminals killing each other .

  29. 尽管大多时光他们都在马上作战,但维京血脉仍然令其对步战厮杀情有独钟。

    Although most ride to battle , they are happy to fight on foot in the old Viking style .

  30. 尽管钟意骑马厮杀,这些弓骑兵有些时候仍会步行作战。

    Despite preferring to fight on horseback , these warriors have left their mounts behind to fight on foot .