
  1. 众人很快便发现这新兵自己带来了全套行头:加衬垫的上衣,煮过的硬皮甲,铁铠和头盔,还有个包皮的大木盾,上面同样刻着他衣服上那个健步猎人纹章。

    It was soon revealed that the new recruit had brought his own armor with him ; padded doublet , boiled leather , mail and plate and helm , even a great wood-and-leather shield blazoned with the same striding huntsman he wore on his surcoat .

  2. 氨甲喋呤铁磁性微球的制备及物理性质测定

    Preparation and measurement of physical properties of ferromagnetic methotrexate-bearing microspheres

  3. 甲磺酸去铁胺对抗庆大霉素耳毒性的实验研究

    Study of Deferoxamine Protection Against Gentamicin Ototoxicity

  4. 甲磺酸去铁胺抗庆大霉素耳毒性作用及机理研究庆大霉素耳蜗毒性早期诊断和治疗的实验研究

    Deferoxamine protects against gentamicin ototoxicity Experimental Study on Early Diagnosis and Treatment of Gentamicin Ototoxicity

  5. 血清甲胎蛋白及铁蛋白在原发性肝细胞癌中的动态分析

    Dynamic Analysis of Serum α - Fetoprotein and Ferritin in Primary Hepatic Carcinoma

  6. O-(2-氰乙基)溴代苯甲酰二茂铁肟的合成和结构

    Syntheses and Structures of O - ( 2 - Cyanoethyl ) Bromobenzoyl - Ferrocene Oxime

  7. 聚邻/间甲苯胺苯胺钡铁氧体复合物的制备及电磁性能研究

    Preparation and Electromagnetic Properties of Poly ( O / M-Toluidine-Aniline ) - Ba Ferrite Composites