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jiǎ wǔ
  • Jia Wu;31st year of the Sexagenary Cycle
  1. 甲午战前的海防经费研究

    A Study on the Coast Defence Funds before the Sino-Japanese War

  2. 甲午战争与浙江近代工业

    The War of 1894 and Zhejiang 's Industrialization in Modern Times

  3. 从甲午诗歌看台湾民众的反割台斗争

    Analysis of Anti-cut Struggle against Japan in Taiwan from Sino-Japanese Poetry

  4. 甲午战争时期日本军制改革与战时大本营

    Japanese Military Control Reform and Wartime Headquarter During the Sino-Japanese War

  5. 中日甲午战争后,台湾沦为日本的殖民地。

    After Sino-Japanese War of 1894 , Taiwan was colonized by Japan .

  6. 近代福建大米进口以甲午战争为界分为前后两个时期,前期进口量相对较小,后期则大大增长。

    There were two periods of rice imported trade in modern Fujian .

  7. 甲午战争后,中国掀起了向日本学习的浪潮,西方统计学也从日本传到了中国。

    After Sino-Japanese War , China started learning from Japan .

  8. 明治天皇与甲午战争

    Emperor Meiji and the Sino - Japanese War of 1894

  9. 甲午中日战争在日本国内被称为日清战争。

    In Japan this war is called the Japanese - Qing Dynasty War .

  10. 张之洞与中日甲午战争

    Zhang Zhi-dong and the War Between China and Japan

  11. 1894年7月,日本发动甲午战争。

    Japan waged the Sino-Japanese War in July 1894 .

  12. 甲午战争与近代中国政治文化的转型

    Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and the Transition of Chinese Political Culture in Modern China

  13. 论甲午战后清政府经济政策的变化

    The Change of Oing 's Economic Policy after the 1894 ~ 1895 Sino-Japanese War

  14. 甲午战争与孙中山&兼评孙中山的革命战略和策略

    The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and Sun Zhongshan

  15. 以甲午战争为契机,沙俄开始强化对中国东北地区的资本输出。

    Russia started to strength its capital export to Northeast China after Jiawu War .

  16. 然而甲午中日战争使实力最强的北洋海军全军覆没。

    However , in the Sino-Japanese war the strongest of the Northern Navy annihilated .

  17. 略谈甲午海战失败的原因

    About the Cause of Defeat in Naval Battle of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895

  18. 甲午战争前袁世凯对朝鲜干涉及中朝宗藩体制的瓦解

    Yuan Shikai 's Korea Domination before 1894 War and the Disruption of Suzerain-vassal Relationship

  19. 甲午战争中国失败的原因和教训

    The Reasons and the Lessons : China 's Failure in The Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895

  20. 甲午战争是一场日本的“大陆政策”挑战中朝宗藩关系的侵略战争。

    Jiawu war was a aggressive war that Japanese continent policy challenged the suerian-vassal system .

  21. 甲午战争以前清政府的铁路政策

    Qing Railroad Policy before the Sino-Japanese War

  22. 甲午战争与日本间谍

    The War of 1894 and Japanese Spies

  23. 黄海大战被认为是中日甲午战争开端。

    The Yellow Sea Battle is regarded as the beginning of the Jiawu Sino-Japanese War .

  24. 甲午战争的失败使战前已经产生的实业教育思想骤然变为一种社会思潮,并与救亡图存的大环境密切联系起来。

    The thought of industrial education was connected with the topic of saving the nation .

  25. 弹痕累累的战争遗迹,悲壮而凝重,向人们讲述中日甲午海战的悲壮历史。

    The solemn bullet-ridden war remains tell of the sad history of the Sino-Japanese War .

  26. 翁同和与甲午战争

    Weng Tonghe and the war of 1894

  27. 甲午战争以后,朝鲜逐渐成为日本的殖民地。

    After " the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 ", Korea became the colony of Japan gradually .

  28. 论甲午战争前中国社会的日本观

    On views About Japan of Chinese Society Before the war Between China and Japan in 1895

  29. 甲午战争前后军事后勤体制的变革

    The Transform of Military Logistics System about the Jia-Wu War between the Ching Dynasty and Japan

  30. 试析甲午战争期间中日对欧美新闻舆论的态度

    Chinese and Japanese Attitudes toward the Occidental News and Public Opinions in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895