- arsenal

(1) [armoury;arsenal]∶储藏甲胄兵器仓库
(2) [liberary]∶收藏文书档案的库房
The steelyard elects on every year confer the A warehouse official all asks careful examination to occupy first place over a calendar , is prepared before the government official .
The A warehouse is a independent organization of the royal or imperial government in Tang Dynasty , set up storehouse and official having speciality , and carve have had warehouse seal , have realized our country archives work the ancient times and the library works separation .
On the basis of liberal politics and prosperous culture , a Golden Age of the situation of Chinese feudal society was created in Tang Dynasty , and in this social context a breakthrough was made in the Tang Dynasty file management work .
A passes through the file being produced , lead to the earliest personal file of our country warehouse directly , creation being an A warehouse .