
  • 网络Amazing Detective Di Renjie
  1. 20多年前,当徐克导演第一次萌发拍摄神探狄仁杰故事的念头时,他还没有能力把他对于这部发生在中国七世纪充满智慧的侦探故事的想象都变成现实。

    Director Tsui Hark 's clever whodunit set in7th-century China is a movie he couldn 't have made when he first began exploring the idea more than two decades ago .

  2. 他来自一个电视节目《神探狄仁杰》里一个叫李元芳的角色。主角狄仁杰在处理案件时,经常会询问元芳的意见。

    He is a character with full name Li Yuanfang from a hit TV show Big Detective Di Renjie , in which , the hero , detective Di would always inquire his deputy Yuanfang for opinions about cases they dealt with .