
  • 网络Hyperthyroid heart disease;HHD;thyrotoxic heart disease
  1. 放射性~(131)碘治疗124例甲亢性心脏病临床结果分析

    The Clinical Analysis of 124 Patients with Hyperthyroid Heart Disease

  2. 甲亢性心脏病的误诊率为13.5%。

    Misdiagnosis of hyperthyroid heart disease was 13.5 % .

  3. Fas、FasL在兔甲亢性心脏病中的表达及其意义

    Expression and Significance of Fas and FasL in Hyperthyroid Cardiopathy

  4. 目的:研究Fas、FasL在甲亢性心脏病心肌组织中的表达,并探讨其在甲亢性心脏病发病中的可能作用及临床意义。

    Objective : To study the expression of Fas and FasL in hyperthyroid cardiopathy and to explore its possible effect and clinical significance in the pathogenesis of the hyperthyroid cardiopathy .

  5. 目的:研究左旋甲状腺素对犬心房肌连接蛋白Cx43表达的影响,探讨甲状腺功能亢进性心脏病(简称甲亢性心脏病)发生房颤的机制。

    Objective : To study the effect of thyroid hormone on the expression and distribution of Cx43 in canine hyperthyroid cardiomyopathy induced by Levothyroxine and to investigate the relationship between the remodeling of Cx43 and atrial tachyarrhythmia .

  6. 结论甲亢性心脏病患者的临床特征以心房纤颤、心力衰竭为主,其发病与甲状腺肿大类型有一定的关系,而131I治疗对甲亢性心脏病的治疗效果非常理想。

    Conclusion The clinical character of the thyrotoxic cardiopathy is mainly atria quiver and heart failure , its incidence is related to the type of the goiter , and the perfect effect will be achieved when the thyrotoxic cardiopathy is treated with radioiodine .

  7. ~(131)I治疗甲亢性心脏病105例分析

    The clinical analysis of 105 patients with thyrotoxic cardiopathy treated with radioiodine

  8. 26例甲亢性心脏病心肌显像探讨

    26 Cases Investigation on myocardium radiography for hyperthyroid heart disease

  9. 甲亢性心脏病患者血浆B型脑钠肽水平的变化

    Analysis of the Levels of Plasma BNP in Patients with Hyperthyroid Heart Disease

  10. 甲亢性心脏病患者心肌灌注显像的影像表现

    The Image Characteristics of Myocardial Perfusion Imaging In Patients with Hyperthyroid Heart Disease

  11. 甲状腺功能亢进症及甲亢性心脏病患者血浆心钠素变化的临床观察

    The clinical study of plasma atrial natriuretic hormone in hyperthyroidism and hyperthyroid heart disease

  12. 甲亢性心脏病68例入院时临床特点分析

    Analysis of the Clinical Features of 68 Patients with Hyperthyroid Heart Disease on Admission

  13. 方法对176例甲亢性心脏病患者临床表现进行综合分析。

    Method Clinical feature was comprehensively analyzed in 176 cases of hyperthyroid heart disease .

  14. 血清脑钠肽检测在小儿甲亢性心脏病中的诊断价值

    Value of serum brain natriuretic peptide in the diagnosis of hyperthyroid heart disease in children

  15. 甲亢性心脏病的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of Hyperthyroid Heart Disease

  16. 多普勒超声心动图评价甲亢性心脏病患者心脏形态及血流动力学改变

    Morphological and hemodynamic changes of the heart in the patients with hyperthyroid heart disease by Doppler echocardiography

  17. 目的:为提高甲亢性心脏病的早期诊断和治疗水平。

    Objective : To improve the the mothods of early diagnosis and treatment on hyperthyroid heart diseases .

  18. 血浆脑利钠肽测定在~(131)I治疗甲亢性心脏病中的应用价值

    Value of plasma brain natriuretic peptid assay in treating hyperthyroid cardiopathy with ~ ( 131 ) I

  19. 甲状腺次全切除术与心得安联合治疗甲亢性心脏病四年观察&积极外科治疗的合理性

    Subtotal thyroidectomy and propranolol in the therapy for thyroid heart disease : four years ' clinical observation

  20. 25例合并甲亢性心脏病(甲心)的患者中有18例(72%)临床治愈,好转5例(20%)。

    18 had restored health in 25 cases complicated by hyperthyroid heart disease ( 72 % ) .

  21. 方法研究对象为25例甲亢性心脏病患者和20例正常人(对照组)。

    Methods The subjects consisted of 25 patients with thyrotoxic heart disease and 20 matched normal controls .

  22. 甲亢性心脏病心功能不全危险因素分析

    Analysis of Risk Factors of Cardiac Insufficiency in patients with Hyperthyroid Heart Disease Q & A on Sex

  23. 甲亢性心脏病不伴高代谢综合征表现病例临床容易误诊;

    Misdiagnosis of hyperthyroid heart disease was16 % , of which most occurred in aged patients without high-metabolism syndrome .

  24. 方法:回顾性分析60例甲亢性心脏病患者的临床资料,主要包括临床表现和心电图变化。

    Methods : Clinical data of 60 patients with hyperthyroid cardiopathy were reviewed , chiefly including of clinical representation and changes of electrocardiogram .

  25. 目的分析甲亢性心脏病临床特征及治疗方法,探讨容易发生的误诊因素。

    Objective To analysis the clinical characteristics of hyperthyroid heart disease ( HHD ) and therapeutic methods , discuss the causes of maldiagnostic .

  26. 目的探讨甲亢性心脏病的临床特征、发病相关因素及其治疗方案。

    Objective The aim of this article is to analyze the clinical character , the cause and the treatment project of the thyrotoxic cardiopathy .

  27. 目的研究甲状腺素对心房和心室重构的影响,从而探讨甲亢性心脏病的发病机制。

    Objective : To investigate the relationship between thyroid hormone and remodeling of atrium and ventricle , and to explore the pathogenesis of hyperthyroid cardiopathy .

  28. 10例甲亢性心脏病(甲心病)与50例非甲心病甲亢患者甲状腺功能无明显差别,但甲心病患者呼吸肌力明显低于非甲心病患者。

    The thyroid functions in 10 patients with hyperthyroid heart disease were not different , compared with the ones of other 50 patients without hyperthyroid heart disease , but their respiratory muscle strength was significantly lower than the ones of latter .

  29. 1980年1月至1983年10月对甲亢性心脏病连续性19例患者应用甲状腺次全切除术与心得安联合治疗。本组性别女10人、男9人,年龄分布25至55岁。

    We employed subtotal thyroidectomy and propranolol for the therapy on 19 consecutive patients with thyroid heart disease from January 1980 to October 1983 . There were 9 male and 10 female patients , ranging from 25 to 55 years of age .

  30. 结论:以心脏疾病表现就诊的患者,尤其是年老、消瘦、心尖搏动增强、脉压差大、血脂不高者,要警惕甲亢性心脏病的存在。

    Conclusion When patients have symptoms of heart disease , especially when they are senile and emaciated with forceful apex beat , large difference of pulse pressure and low blood lipid , it should be alert that hyperthyroid heart disease may be possible .