
  1. 如何能够按照安全性、效益性和流动性原则合理地核定每个客户的风险限额,是商业银行一直探索研究的课题。

    How to define the risk limit of every client according to safety , benefit and mobility is always the topic for commercial bank to explore and research .

  2. 综合营销是指在坚持商业银行安全性、效益性、流动性原则的前提下,通过对产品和资源的整合,为客户提供全方位金融服务的过程。

    Integrated marketing is defined as commercial banks insist on " safety , efficiency , liquidity ," the premise of the principle , through the integration of products and resources , to provide comprehensive financial services to the process .

  3. 近几年,社保基金案件频繁上演,并且在金融危机的冲击下,2008年全国社保基金的委托股票投资首次出现了浮亏的局面,与社保基金投资所要求的安全性流动性原则严重相悖。

    In recent years , the case of social security funds is frequently staged . And , Under the impact of the financial crisis , the national social security fund entrusted stock investment appeared for the first time in 2008 .

  4. 所以财务公司的经营要遵循盈利性、安全性和流动性三原则。

    Operation finance company should follow the principles of profit , safety , liquidity .

  5. 针对目前我国证券市场的特点,根据安全性、盈利性和流动性的原则,采用先进的投资组合保险技术,研究养老保险基金的投资,提出了基于养老保险基金的价值增长型组合保险策略。

    Based on the characteristics of the Chinese stock market and the advanced investment portfolio insurance technique , this paper studies investment strategies of pension funds taking into account the principles of security , profitability and fluidity .

  6. 银行资金调度必须遵循效益性、安全性和流动性的原则,在保证资金安全的前提下,最大限度的提高银行资金使用效益。

    Bank funds procurement management must follow the principle of profitability , security and liquidity . In the premise of ensuring the safety of funds , we should improve the efficiency of the use of bank funds .

  7. 商业银行货款组合决策的过程,是遵循效益性、安全性、流动性的原则,在综合考虑贷款收益和风险的前提下,从众多的贷款对象中选择一组合适的贷款对象的过程。

    Decision-making procession of loans portfolio optimization in commercial bank is to choose a set of objects to allow credit and maximize the return in certain risk level , which follows the principle of " profitability , security and mobility " .

  8. 其次,在遵循银行业上市公司竞争力指标构建原则的基础上,本文建立了银行业上市公司竞争力评价指标体系和评价方法,在建立指标体系过程中遵循盈利性、安全性、流动性三性经营原则。

    Second , following the principles of establishing the index system , this paper established an evaluate index system of the competitiveness of the listed bank and the evaluate method .

  9. 该业务以真实的贸易为背景,相比一般贷款具有期限短、风险小、收效快以及利润丰厚的特点,符合银行资产盈利性、安全性和流动性的经营原则。

    With true trade as the background , the kind of business has such advantages as shorter term , smaller risk , quicker result and greater profits , compared with general loans , so it matches the operation principle of banks for property earnings , safety and liquidity .

  10. 除这些比率外,银行业监管机构还于今年7月提出了有关流动性问题的指导原则。

    The ratios would come on top of guidance on liquidity issues proposed by banking regulators in July .

  11. 为了保证保险机构在遵循安全性、流动性、收益性原则上进行投资,许多国家都已建立起完备的保险投资监管法律制度。

    In order to assure insurance organizations invest on the basis of following the principle of safety , liquidity and income , many counties have built complete law system of insurance investment supervision .

  12. 在安全性、流动性、收益性原则的指导下,将其投入资本市场进行运营管理,对于维护社会公平稳定,促进国民经济发展有着重要意义。

    Under the instructive principles of security , liquidity and profitability , we should put and manage it in the capital market . Thus , it plays a vital role in maintaining the social stability and improving the national economic growth .

  13. 本文在对保险资金的来源进行分析的基础上,阐述了保险资金运用必须遵循安全性、流动性和收益性原则和运用证券组合理论以及免疫与资产负债匹配理论来指导保险资金运用实践。

    Firstly , based on the research of the source of the insurance fund , the principles and theories of the insurance investment , it can be safely concluded that the insurance investment should be subject to the principles of security , liquidity , and profitability .