
  1. 建筑院校图书馆信息资源共建共享研究浅谈高校图书馆与学院图书分馆建设

    Research on Building and Sharing of Construction College Library Information Resources

  2. 论新形势下建筑院校图书馆的采访工作

    A Discussion on Collection Work in Architectural College Library

  3. 框架结构特别适合于办公楼、教学楼、公共性与商业性建筑、图书馆、轻工业厂房、公寓及住宅类等建筑物。

    Frame structure is particularly suited to office buildings , school buildings , public and commercial buildings , libraries , light industrial plants , apartments and residential buildings .

  4. 如今,三幢建筑收藏着图书馆的藏品。

    Today , three buildings hold the library 's collection .

  5. 边缘建筑的学校图书馆设计

    FAS School Library Design

  6. 而这座崭新的建筑&戴维·威尔森图书馆是由莱斯特当地的商人戴维·威尔森捐献了200万英镑兴建的。它在旧图书馆的基础上加以改建,扩增后的面积达到了原先的二倍。

    The new development , called the David Wilson Library after a local businessman who donated £ 2m , is effectively a makeover of the existing building with anextension which doubles it in size .

  7. 从图书馆的硬件设施、图书馆的建筑设计、图书馆制度建立及服务手段等方面着手,就图书馆建设如何体现以人为本的原则提出了一些看法。

    Starting from hardware devices , architectural design , system establishment , and service method , etc. of the library , this paper puts forward some opinions on how the construction of the library to externalize the humanistic principle .

  8. 图书馆建筑是构成图书馆的重要物质条件,图书馆建筑艺术要体现美的本质,符合建筑艺术的一般规律,图书馆建筑的美体现在环境、造型、装饰等方面。

    Library building is an important condition in terms of making up library . Architectural art of library is supposed to reflect essence of beauty and accord with general regularity of architecture . Architectural beauty of library should give expression to environment , shape , decoration and so on .

  9. Frydenlund夫妇拥有一座建筑计划和图片图书馆,并出版了关于这一方面的书籍。

    The Frydenlunds have a library of plans and drawings and have published books on the subject .

  10. 新图书馆建筑雕塑与现代图书馆文化理念

    Architectural Statues of the New Library and the Cultural Idea of Modern Library

  11. 高校新建分校区图书馆的建筑设计高等学校图书馆建筑设计任务书的准备

    Preparation of the introduction to the architectural design for the construction of a college library

  12. 在过去曾是操场的另一边,现在座落着另一座新建筑&我们的图书馆。

    On the other side , where the playground used to be , now stands another new building-our library .

  13. 绿色图书馆建筑是在绿色图书馆理念的基础上,充分利用生态建筑技术建造而成的一种文化建筑。

    Green library building is a kind of culture construct on the basis of the concept of the green library , making use of ecological architecture technologies .

  14. 现代高新技术在图书馆领域的全面渗透,改变了图书馆的内涵、功能、服务和管理,直接影响到图书馆本身的结构及图书馆建筑,引发了图书馆建筑的一系列变革。

    Penetration of modern technique on the field of library which have changed the connotation , function , service and management of library . The penetration influenced buildings of library and the structure of itself . And it leads to a series of innovation on library .

  15. 文章探讨了人文关怀对图书馆建筑的影响,在图书馆建筑中要体现人文关怀精神,只有将人文关怀内化到图书馆建筑中,图书馆建筑才真正具有生命力。

    This article has probed into the impact on library building of humane care , only in library building , can humane care spirited be reflected and library building have vitality .

  16. 这一时期建设的现代公共建筑,包括现代学校建筑、图书馆建筑、酒店建筑等,已经采用现代招标模式,由职业建筑师设计,现代营造队伍建设。

    The modern public buildings of this period include modern school construction , library construction , hotel construction , etc. It has already adopted the mode of modern tender invitation .

  17. 讨论了什么是绿色建筑,简述了违反绿色建筑设计图书馆的教训,提出了图书馆绿色建筑设计应注意的事项。

    This paper discusses what is Green Building on the basis of practice , it expounds the lessons of violating the Green Building , and puts forword some points for attention .

  18. 有公园及花园,大规模的华丽皇家建筑体;包括浴场及附属建筑、图书馆、带雕刻的花园、剧场、室外餐厅、亭榭和住宅。

    A sumptuous imperial complex with parks and gardens on a grand scale , it included baths , libraries , sculpture gardens , theaters , alfresco dining areas , pavilions , and private suites .

  19. 翩。校园内的景观和许多建筑都具备鲜明的中国传统特色,不过这所大学还拥有为数不少的西式宏伟建筑,比如老图书馆和大礼堂。

    The landscaping and many of the buildings are traditional Chinese , but the campus also boasts many Western-style edifices , such as the quad and auditorium : T. Chuang , the university 's