
  • 网络industrial district
  1. 城市工业小区噪声现状评价与防治对策研究

    Existing Assessment and Prevention Countermeasure of Urban Industrial District Noise Pollution

  2. 结果表明,工业小区附近农田生态环境状况不良;以氯化物为主的废气污染危害小麦等农作物。

    The results indicate that farmland eco-environmental situation near the industrial district is poor , and crop pollution is mainly harmed by fluoride pollution .

  3. Air(初三适用)工业小区大气污染防治研究

    Prevention on Air Pollution in Industrial Area

  4. 某工业小区2000~2004年职业危害因素分析

    Analysis of Occupational Risk Factors in an Industrial Subdistrict during 2000-2004

  5. 对一工业小区消防给水系统的探讨

    Study on firefighting water supply system in an industrial zone

  6. 上海屈家桥工业小区环境质量评价

    Environmental quality evaluation of Qu Jia Qiao small industry district , Shanghai

  7. 试论乡镇工业小区建设的必要性

    Discussion on the necessity of township industrious District Construction

  8. 苏南乡镇工业小区的结构及协同性分析

    Su'Nan Township Industrial Zone : An Analysis of the Character of Structure and Synergy

  9. 农村工业化与城镇化同步发展的尝试&乡镇企业工业小区试验改革的工作报告

    Reports from the experiment areas of rural reform

  10. 乡镇工业小区建设与小城镇发展有机结合问题研究

    The Organic Combination of the Construction of Township Industrial Zone and the Development of Small Town

  11. 提出了实施工业小区大气环境总量控制、总量优化分配的步骤方法。

    The procedures and methodology for implementation of total pollutant capacity control in air environment and for optimal allocation of total pollutant quantity are presented within a scope of an industrial district .

  12. 工业小区在产业集聚的过程中,不仅形成了规模经济效益,也促进了农村城镇化的建设,对于农村工业化、城市化具有重大意义。

    Industrial centralization in township industrial zones has not only yielded scale economic benefit but also promoted rural-town transmission construction , which is especially of significant value for rural industrialization and urbanization .

  13. 本文利用A值法对北京市某工业小区大气环境总量控制进行了估算。

    This paper aims at identifying , with coefficient ( A ) method , the need for , and importance , of controlling the total pollutant capacity in air environment for an industrial district .

  14. 根据国家有关节能法规,制定不同类型工业小区能源综合利用效率标准和相应的产品单耗标准,推广清洁生产和污染物资源化处理技术

    Formulating the standard of integrated energy use efficiency and the related standard of unit energy consumption to promote the clean production and the treatment technology of pollutants reutilization , according to the relevant regulations of energy conservation . RESOURCE

  15. 在分析乡镇工业小区建设和小城镇发展现状的基础上,提出乡镇工业小区建设与小城镇发展有机结合应遵循的基本原则和促进乡镇工业小区建设与小城镇发展有机结合的对策建议。

    Basing on analyzing the actuality of the construction of township industrial zone and the development of small town , this paper presents the principals in the organic combination of them . The strategies for promoting this combination are provided as well .

  16. 工业小区在依托现有优势的条件下,调整企业结构和产品结构,大力发展第三产业,不仅对经济发展做出贡献,同时也为解决农村剩余劳动力做出了巨大贡献。

    In township industrial zones , enterprises according to the advantageous conditions that they possess , adjusted their enterprise structure and product structure and made great effort to develop the tertiary industry , which has tremendously contributed to the economic development and the absorption of rural surplus labor .

  17. 规划建设石化工业规划小区,承接湄洲湾南岸炼化一体化石化项目延伸。

    Petrifaction Industry Section in Plan for Construction , the Stretch of the Oil Refinery Project at the southern bank of Meizhou Bay .

  18. 东阳市服装工业园居住小区规划设计

    The Planning and Design of the Living Quarters of Dongyang Garment Industrial Park

  19. 沈阳航空工业学院新小区景观设计

    The Landscape Design for the New Residential Area of Shenyang Aeronautical Engineering Institute

  20. 依托本地资源,形成了食品、机械、纺织、化工、建材等十多个门类的工业体系,工业小区已初具规模。

    Meanwhile its industrial system of food , machinery , textile , chemicals and building materials has been established relying on the local resources .

  21. 目前生态城区规划已成为继生态城市、生态工业园区、生态小区规划之后的又一个热潮,生态城区作为生态城市建设的一部分,在生态城区建设过程中发挥着其独特的功能和作用。

    Upsurge in the ecological district planning has already come after the ecological city planning , eco-industry parks and the ecological community planning . Ecological district , as one part of the eco-city , has its own characteristics .

  22. 工业园分为7个功能区,包括中心商务小区、制造工业小区、环保型科技工业小区、物流产业小区、一期生活小区、二期生活商务小区及旅游休闲区。

    It has 7 function zones , including the commerce zone , the manufacture industry zone , the environmentally friendly hi-tech industry zone , the logistic industry zone , the 1st-stage community zone , the 2nd-stage community & business zone and the leisure zone .