
  1. 工业学大庆运动述评

    The Description and Comment of the Campaign to Learn from Daqing in Industry

  2. 如何看待工业学大庆运动?

    Third , how to think about the campaign to learn from Daqing in industry ?

  3. 工业学大庆运动主流是好的,基本上是正确的,对于这场运动,笔者认为也应该持基本肯定的态度;

    The mainstream of the campaign to learn from Daqing in industry is good , and correct basically , as to this campaign , I think we should take a basically definite attitude towards it ;

  4. 工业学大庆运动的黄金时期和尾声,详细阐释了工业学大庆运动在各个阶段的开展情况。

    The gold period and coda of the campaign to learn from Daqing in industry ; and have explained the developed situations in each stage of the campaign to learn from Daqing in industry in detail .

  5. 在此基础上,笔者对工业学大庆运动进行了一定的思考并做出了自己的分析与评价:一、如何看待大庆精神?

    On this basis , I have made certain thought on the campaign to learn from Daqing in industry and have made own analysis and appraisal to it : First , how to think about the Daqing spirit ?