
  • 网络work list;To Do List;to-do list;task List
  1. 实验练习:看看你的工作清单或做一张清单。

    As an experiment , look at your to-do list or make one .

  2. 列一份工作清单,然后按照清单来一项项的完成工作。除非有十万火急的事情,否则执行时就不要间断。

    Use a simple to-do list , and take each item to completion without interruption , unless something 's literally on fire .

  3. 斯卡林指出,在睡觉前从事其他的一些认知活动,比如列出第二天的工作清单,也可能有助于理清思绪。

    Engaging in some other cognitive10 activity before sleeping , like making a list of jobs for the next day , might also help clear the mind , Scullin says .

  4. 传回来源事件在工作清单上的物件。

    Returns the object that sources events on the Task List .

  5. 在苹果的网站上,为新产品安全保卫处的人员列了两份工作清单。

    Two job listings appeared on Apple 's website for managers of'new product security ' .

  6. 这些未完成工作清单的完成须经有关各方现场讨论。

    The completion of these outstanding work lists will be subject to discussions on site by all parties involved .

  7. 中央线是加护病房里发生严重感染的常见源头。这份工作清单包括一些简单的措施,例如在做静脉注射之前的洗手和消毒皮肤。

    The checklist includes simple things like hand washing and disinfecting the skin before the central line is inserted .

  8. 当然,工作清单的信息要求跟比方说事件清单或房地产清单的信息要求大不相同。

    The information requirements for job listings is , of course , very different from the information requirements for , say , event listings or real estate listings .

  9. 普通的工作清单只能帮你划掉已完成的工作,但是却不能告诉你将来如何提高效率。

    Ordinarily to-do lists can help you cross off projects and get stuff done , but they can 't tell you how to be more productive in the future .

  10. 请留意:神说,你要先照顾你的教会家庭,而不是将教会需要放在你工作清单的最后一项。

    Notice that God says the needs of your church family are to be given preference , not put at the bottom of your " things to do " list .

  11. 我喜欢用一本记事本记录工作清单,这样我就能不时回顾,看看都完成了什么。

    I like to use a moleskine notebook for my lists just so I can go back and review it every now and then , to see what I 've done .

  12. 为了找到答案,普罗诺沃斯特医生和他的同僚们,将使用这个工作清单的密西根州医院的死亡率,和临近还没有使用这种方法的州进行比较。

    To find out , Pronovost and his colleagues compared hospital deaths in the state of Michigan , where the checklist program was in use , with nearby states that weren 't in the program .

  13. 我们在家中拥有许多快乐与欢笑,但墙上贴满工作清单,因此我从未体验或目睹游手好闲,这辈子从未有过。

    We had a lot of enjoyment in my family , a lot of laughter , but the walls were papered with to-do lists and I never experienced or witnessed idleness , not once in my whole entire life .

  14. 普罗诺沃斯特教授强调指出,一个简单的工作清单固然有助于提高医疗质量,但这实际上涉及的是医务工作者应当如何在一起工作,例如,医生要倾听护士的意见,而不仅仅是护士听医生的。

    While the quality improvement program may be built around a simple checklist , Pronovost stresses that it really is about changing how medical staff work together so that , for example , doctors listen to nurses , not just the other way around .

  15. 如果一项任务不是必须由你完成,可以把它委托给其他人,实行间接管理。(工作清单最后的项目往往都无法完成&这些任务便可以委托给其他人。)

    If a task doesn 't need to be completed by you , find someone else to delegate to , and manage the project indirectly . ( The items at the very bottom of your to-do list may never get done & and that may be OK . )

  16. 列一张为什么你应该工作的清单。

    Write down a list of reasons of why should you be working .

  17. 这里有一份工作职责清单。

    Here 's a list of job duties .

  18. 最近一次争斗的导火索是奥巴马呈交给国会的工作报告清单。

    The trigger for the latest barrage was the jobs bill Barack Obama submitted to Congress last month .

  19. 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院教授彼得·普罗诺沃斯特率先使用医院工作检查清单,以减少感染率。

    Johns Hopkins University Medical School professor Peter Pronovost pioneered the use of hospital checklists to reduce infections .

  20. 列出一个“已完成工作”清单,而不是待办清单,同时把解决问题的任务留到你感觉疲劳的时候,这是新书《Brainhack》提出的两条提高工作效率的建议。

    Writing a " done " list instead of a to-do list , and leaving your problem-solving to when you are tired are two of the productivity tips in a new book , Brainhack .

  21. 他将要列一份自己所有工作内容的清单,然后,优先化那些最重要的任务。

    He is going to make a list of all of his work and then prioritize the tasks that are most important .

  22. 并由各单位科室负责人汇总2004年的全部室内、室外工作内容及清单。用任务或职能分析并辅以专家评估法进行理论工作量的测算。

    Leaders in every division were told to collect inventories for all indoor and outdoor work from January 1,2004 to December 31, 2004.The work load was calculated by task or function analysis and evaluated by experts through discussion and theoretical analysis .

  23. 她忙着把要做的所有工作列一个清单。

    She was employed in making a list of all the jobs to be done .

  24. 还有很多地方可以改进,因为大部分的工作需要手工编辑清单文件和手工创建Java类。

    There 's still lots of room for improvement , as most tasks required manually editing the manifest file and manual creation of Java classes .

  25. 但在使用Sass时,您可以提高工作效率,如清单5所示。

    With Sass , however , you can gain the efficiencies in Listing 5 .

  26. 完成了工作,从待办清单上划掉这一项,感觉非常好。

    It felt good to cross even one item off my todo list .

  27. 应该使用if语句进行此工作(请参见清单12)。

    You could do that using an if statement ( see Listing 12 ) .

  28. 为你这一周的工作列一份清单,并分清那些是你在工作日里最有可能完成的。

    List everything you do in a week and figure out how you can get the most possible out of your workday .

  29. 活动计划提供了工作只是、核对清单或其他各个可交付项目或影响质量的活动程序文件之间的连接。

    Activity plans provide a link between work instructions , checklists , or other procedural documents for each project deliverable or quality-affecting activity .

  30. 你可能会感到惊讶,在工作满足感的清单上面,金钱排名并不是第一位。

    You may be surprised to learn that money isn 't at the top of the list when it comes to job satisfaction .