
  • 网络Yesterday Today Tomorrow;Ytt
  1. 昨天今天明天:肆

    Shops of yesterday , today , tomorrow

  2. 赵本山小品《昨天今天明天》语言变异分析

    Analysis of the Language Variation in Zhao Benshan 's Short Sketch Yesterday , Today and Tomorrow

  3. 《中国抗生素杂志》的昨天、今天和明天

    Past , present and future of the Chinese Journal of Antibiotics

  4. 是的,昨天,今天,明天是紧密联系在一起的!

    Yes , yesterday , today and tomorrow are closely linked !

  5. 上海中医学院医史博物馆从废医历史看中医的昨天、今天和明天

    Museum of Medical History , Shanghai College of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  6. 当我们从时间的角度来观看周遭环境,昨天、今天、明天;

    In the view of time , the surrounding around us is changing continuously ;

  7. 脊柱相关疾病的昨天、今天和明天

    Diseases correlated to spine yesterday today and tomorrow

  8. 界面的昨天、今天与明天

    Yesterday , Today , and Tomorrow of interface

  9. 如果能见你三天,我希望是昨天,今天,明天。

    If the visibility you three days , I hope yesterday , today and tomorrow .

  10. 湖湘文化与湖南文艺:昨天·今天·明天

    Hunan Culture & Hunan Literature and Art

  11. 传统与转型:村落宗族的昨天、今天与明天

    Tradition And Transformation : Yesterday , Today

  12. 你以为昨天、今天、明天,应该是没有什么不同的。

    You think of yesterday , today , tomorrow , there should be no different .

  13. 其实,它就是一张记载昨天、今天、明天的白纸。

    In fact , it is a record yesterday , today and tomorrow 's White .

  14. 昨天,今天和明天。

    Yesterday , today and tomorrow .

  15. 把昨天、今天、明天一起放在天平上,今天最重;

    To yesterday , today and tomorrow on the scale together , today the most weight ;

  16. 中国人口科学发展的昨天、今天与明天

    Development Course of Chinese Population Sciences

  17. 从宏观讲,人生只有三天:昨天、今天、明天。

    From macroscopic says , the life has for three days : Yesterday , today , tomorrow .

  18. 不管昨天、今天、明天,能豁然开朗就是美好的一天。

    Yesterday , today and tomorrow all can be a fine day if it is a happy day .

  19. 昆山,一个美丽、现代的城市,同样也有她自己的昨天、今天和明天。

    Kunshan , a beautiful and modern city , also has her own yesterday , today and tomorrow .

  20. 他形象地比喻说:我们要“想三天”:昨天、今天和明天。

    Saying he said : we have to " think three days ": Yesterday , Today and Tomorrow .

  21. 本人昨天、今天以及明天都没有或者不准备去主贴所述地点。

    I am yesterday , today and tomorrow are not or are not prepared to go to the main sites posted above .

  22. 不同的人有不同的答案,但我看人的一生无一例外地只有三天:昨天、今天、明天。

    The answer varies , but to me there are , unexceptionally , only three days , which are yesterday , today and tomorrow .

  23. 小品《昨天?今天?明天》让现场的观众捧腹大笑,体现出中图人特有的幽默、风趣;

    Pieces " Yesterday ? today ? tomorrow ," Let the audience convulsed with laughter , embodied in the figure is typical of the humor , wit ;

  24. 本周的话题是“昨天、今天和明天”,我觉得这是一个非常严肃的话题,但是每个人都很喜欢。

    This week 's topic is " yesterday , today and tomorrow " . I must say that this topic is very serious , but every member likes it .

  25. 要了解一个真实的、发展变化着的、充满希望的中国,就有必要了解中国的昨天、今天和明天。

    In order to understand the true China , a changing society full of promises , it is necessary to get to know her yesterday , her today and her tomorrow .

  26. 奥斯卡获奖传奇巨星索菲亚·罗兰首次谈及名为《昨天,今天,明天,我的生活》的秘密回忆录。

    Oscar winning icon Sophia Lauren is opening what she calls her trunk of secrets for the first time in a memoir titled " Yesterday , Today , Tomorrow , My Life . "

  27. 60多年的演绎生涯后,银幕上的永恒女神索菲亚·罗兰分享她的经历,她现在谈论这本记载着自己早年在意大利经历过的贫困潦倒及战争蹂躏、痛苦不堪的回忆录《昨天、今天、明天》。

    After more than 60 years as an actress , timeless screen goddess Sophia Loren is sharing her story , her memoir " Yesterday , Today , Tomorrow " chronicling her earliest days in Italy amid poverty and war , painful even now to talk about .

  28. 研究我国高中化学教材的历史沿革和发展趋势,实际是从一个侧面研究我国基础教育的昨天、今天、和明天。

    Study our country 's development of the Senior High School teaching material of Chemistry with it 's developing trend is actually a study from one side to our country 's foundational education in yesterday , today , and tomorrow .