
  • Part Time;hourly employee;part-time job
  1. 我所做的工作,往小了说是钟点工,往大了说叫心里医生。

    The work what I do , it can be said a part-time job or psychologist 's work .

  2. Vicki和郑贵东在本期节目中就此话题进行访谈,了解到一些英国人在青少年时曾从事过的一些钟点工。

    Vicki and Oliver discuss this topic and chat to some people to find out what jobs they did when they were teenagers .

  3. 我还想到了莉莲,我父母雇的钟点工。

    I also thought about Lillian , our parents'part-time maid .

  4. 此次争论的焦点是钟点工的最低工资。

    That debate is over the minimum wage paid to hourly workers .

  5. 效率工资及其在农村钟点工问题中的应用&以武功县普集街乡永丰村打蒜时节的钟点工市场为例

    Efficiency Wage and its Application in Hour Labor in Countryside

  6. 有的当清洁工,其他的当钟点工和女佣。

    Some are sweepers , others day laborers and maids .

  7. 叫那个女钟点工把地板上的污垢擦掉。

    Ask the hour maid servant to ash the dirt off the floor .

  8. 但是如果有个钟点工来擦玻璃就好多了。

    But if we had a maid to clean the windows , it would be much better .

  9. 可采取:聘用“联防钟点工”,吸引群众直接参与治安工作;

    Hiring joint defense hour-workers to attract the masses to lake part in the public security work directly ;

  10. 丹尼尔:钟点工?擦高楼的玻璃?那不是蜘蛛侠吗?

    Daniel : A maid ? And clean the glass of a high building ? Isn 't the Spiderman ?

  11. 我叫迈克尔,我正努力帮助我的钟点工找到更多的客户。

    My name is Michael and I am trying to help the woman who cleans my home to find more clients .

  12. 汤姆需要钟点工的护理,汉克和玛塞拉已好几天时间睡在我的房里,值晚上那一班。

    Tom needed round-the-clock care , and Hank and Marcella had already spent several days sleeping in my room to do the night shift .

  13. 网络钟点工从业人员多为学生、家庭主妇和工薪族,做得好的月薪甚至上万。

    The online hourly professionals are mostly students , housewives and wage earners , with some monthly salary in excess of tens of thousands of yuan .

  14. 为了保密,他不敢麻烦邻居,只能花钱请钟点工,一听说要去传染病医院,都没人去了。

    For secrecy , he did not dare trouble neighbors , can only spend money to hire part-time , one heard of going to infectious diseases hospital , nobody went to .

  15. 沃尔玛在面对不稳定的顾客流量时,会等到最后一刻才聘用钟点工;而好事多则会调动雇员轮岗,偶尔还向他们提供不带薪休假的机会。

    While Walmart deals with erratic customer traffic by hiring staff at the last minute on hourly rates , Costco shifts employees between jobs and occasionally offers staff unpaid time off work .

  16. 很多英国十来岁的青少年都作一些钟点工来赚些零用钱,不过他们的工作时间和合格从事某些工作的最低年龄在英国都有严明的制度规定。

    Many British teenagers have part-time jobs to earn a bit of money , but there are rules about how many hours they can work and what the minimum age is for certain jobs .

  17. 把“黑手”伸向开架避孕套的,是偷吃禁果的中学生,是捉襟见肘的钟点工,甚至是操皮肉生意的。

    The " black hands " of condoms into the open-shelf , is eating the forbidden fruit of the secondary school students , part-time is stretched to their limits , and even speaks of the flesh trade .