
  • 网络bilinear functions
  1. 第二部分给出了对称双线性函数的基本概念及其在复(实)数域上的标准型,及它们的分类情况。

    In section 2 , we investigate the symmetric bilinear functions and their standard form over the complex ( real ) field .

  2. 第二部分,给出了二维李三系的运算与对称双线性函数的关系,并利用此关系对复(实)数域上的二维李三系进行分类,最后讨论它们的可解性。

    Secondly , we recall the relation between the multiplication of 2-dimensional Lie triple system and symmetric bilinear functions , then using it to classify the 2-dimensional Lie triple system over the complex ( real ) field and discuss their solvability .

  3. 提出一种任意四边形Reissner-Mindlin板元,挠度和转角均采用分片双线性函数。

    In this paper we present a quadrilateral element for Reissner-Mindlin plate .

  4. 经过比较,本文采用双线性函数进行谱包络转换。

    In the thesis , the bilinear function is adopted .

  5. 关于对称与反对称双线性函数

    On Symmetric and Anti - Symmetric Bilinear Function

  6. 双线性函数性质研究

    The Research on the Properties of Bilinear Function

  7. 对称双线性函数与线性变换

    Symmetric bilinear function and linear transformation

  8. 本文借助双线性函数来研究向量空间的变换具有线性性。

    The paper studies character of transform in vector space with the aid of bilinear function .

  9. 利用对称双线性函数给出了向量空间的变换为线性变换的一系列充分条件,进而导出了欧氏空间的变换为正交变换、对称变换、反对称变换、共轭变换的一系列判别条件。

    Utilization symmetric bilinear function gave a good few sufficient conditions for transformation of Euclidean space to be linear .

  10. 利用双线性函数和三线性函数的性质,论述了各子问题的有界性、强制性以及解的先验估计。

    Using the property of the bilinear and trilinear form , a priori bound for solutions of a weak formulation is given .

  11. 用双线性函数描述网格结点的压力变化,在时间上用向后差分法进行离散。

    Describe the pressure variation of node in grid with bilinear interpolating function . These equations are dispersed in time by using backward difference method .

  12. 通过建立二次型与对称双线性函数之间的对应关系,在双线性函数的概念下讨论二次型化标准型的问题,最后给出惯性定理的一个证明。

    In this paper , we use the theory of symmetric bilinear function to solve problems of quadratic form , and finally give a proof of the inertia theorem .

  13. 通过不同围压、不同孔隙瓦斯压力下煤的三轴压缩试验结果,证明了等效孔隙压力系数(α)是体积应力与孔隙压力的双线性函数。

    Abstract The result of triaxial compression test of coal under different surrounding pressures and porous gas pressures showed that equivalent porous pressure coefficient ( d ) was a bilinear function of volume stress and porous pressure .

  14. 给出了正交双线性函数基与正定双线性函数基;证明了:(1)每个双线性函数均可由正交双线性函数基惟一线性表出;

    In this paper , We give concepts of orthogonal double linear function basis and positive definite double linear function basis , and show that ( 1 ) every double linear function can be lineally expressed by orthogonal double linear function basis ;

  15. 频谱倾斜补偿可以比较有效的弥补双线性函数不能改变频谱幅度的缺点,使得到的转换谱包络更加准确。

    The results illuminate that spectrum tilt compensation can make up the defect of bilinear transform function with more accuracy that can not be dealed with the spectrum amplitude . Finally , the investigation voice conversion system for small database for training purpose has been presented .

  16. 并在第二章§2.3里引入适当的双线性函数及范数,用此双线性函数及范数对二维变系数椭圆型方程的差分格式进行误差估计。可得到O(△x~2+△y~2)这样的误差阶。

    Furthermore in § 2.3 we introduce proper bilinear function and norm , which are used to carry out the error estimate of the difference format of two-dimensional changing coefficient elliptical equation so as to gain the error rank O (Δ x ~ 2 + Δ y ~ 2 ) .

  17. 运用信号流图和双积分器结构,可直接设计具有双线性传递函数的SCF。

    A new technique for directly designing bilinear switched-capacitor filter using signal-flow graphs and the two-integrator-loop is described .

  18. 提出了一个使用双线性配对函数的前向安全的数字签名方案:在一个基于双线性配对函数的签名方案的基础上构造了一个前向安全的签名方案。

    We proposed a forward-secure signature scheme from a paring-based short signature scheme using bilinear pairings .

  19. 对分割出的图像,采用双线性变换函数来实现目标的校正。

    For the bar image segmented , bilinear transformation function is used to restore the bar image .

  20. 由于双线性配对函数表现出的良好密码学特性,目前已经引起了众多关注。

    Due to the various applications of the bilinear pairings in cryptography , there have been many pairing-based signature schemes .

  21. 采用双线性调度函数相互印证和补充,给出了相应的计算公式,并提出了考虑各决策变量取值规律的具体决策规则。

    Bilinear dispatching function with two decision variable is used to verify each other and as a complementary to the other .

  22. 在误差分析过程中,给出了双线性插值函数误差余项的估计式,并给出了证明。

    In the process of error analyses , an estimation formula of error remaining for the bilinear interpolation function is put forward and proved .

  23. 频谱包络转换是语音转换中的一项重要内容,基于双线性转换函数进行频谱搬移的方法可以有效的进行谱包络转换,并且基于小语料库训练时仍能得到稳定的转换谱包络。

    Spectral envelope conversion is an important content of voice conversion . Based on bilinear transform function , spectral envelope can be efficiently converted even with small training speech database .

  24. 基于过热蒸汽比焓和密度的双线性拟合函数,用机理分析法建立了一段过热器集总参数的压力和温度的动态模型。

    Based on the physical principles and the bilinear fit functions of the enthalpy and density of superheated steam , a lumped parameter model of a section of super-heater was developed .

  25. 本文构造了一个可查询的、基于公钥并与流密码结合的、使用双线性配对函数的加密系统,它能让服务器进行查询,而又不失数据的机密性。

    In this paper , a searchable encryption system is constructed based on public key and stream ciper with bilinear pairings . It can let the server perform the search without loss of data confidentiality .

  26. 基于精确线性化的MIMO双线性系统预测函数控制

    Predictive function control based on global feedback linearization for MIMO bilinear system

  27. 双线性荷载传递函数的单桩荷载沉降关系统一解

    Unified load-settlement solution of single piles based on bilinear load transfer

  28. 它是SISO双线性系统非线性传递函数计算公式的推广。

    They are the generalization of the computation formula of nonlinear transfer function for SISO bilinear system .

  29. 其中对于方程中的坐标变量用分片连续线性多项式作为试探函数,对于方程中的角度变量用分片连续双线性多项式作为试探函数。

    The continuous piecewise polynomial trial functions are trilinear in the space variables and bilinear in the angle variables .

  30. 然后,利用多维拉普拉斯变换,推导出双线性系统非线性传递函数矩阵的计算公式。

    Then by using multi-dimension Laplace transform , the computation formula of nonlinear transfer function matrices for MIMO bilinear system are deduced .