
  • 网络Affirmative and Negative;Confirm or Deny
  1. 肯定与否定是完全对立的概念。

    Affirmative and negative are two entirely opposite concepts .

  2. 英语肯定与否定形式的语义错位

    The Semantic Incongruity of English Affirmative and Negative Forms

  3. 在改进的Vague集相似度量方法中考虑了Vague集的隶属度的三维含义、不确定隶属度对肯定与否定隶属程度的影响以及欧氏距离的表示。

    3-D meaning of membership degree in vague sets , the influence of uncertain membership degree upon the affirmation membership degree and the negative membership degree , and the expression of Euclidean distance are considered in the improved method of similarity measures between vague sets .

  4. 论中国逻辑史研究中的肯定与否定

    On Affirmation and Negation in the Research of the History of Chinese Logic

  5. 意向命题的肯定与否定

    Affirmation and Negation of Utterances with Mental Propositional Attitudes

  6. 英语否定结构的译法及英汉互译中肯定与否定的转换

    English Negation and Affirmative - negative Transition in Translation

  7. 小议日语句型的肯定与否定&围绕国际日语能力考试1、2级句型

    The Affirmative and Negative Patterns of Japanese Sentences

  8. 摘要肯定与否定是两个完全对立的概念,容不得半点含糊。

    Affirmative and negative are two contrary concepts , which should be clearly distinguished .

  9. 从关系逻辑的观点看特称否定命题的换位问题意向命题的肯定与否定

    Thinking about the Reverse of Existential Negation Proposition From the Point of View of Relation Logic

  10. 在第二章对两种学说进行分析,阐述了肯定与否定两种学说各自的合理性以及分别存在的不足之处。

    In the second chapter the author analyses the above two theories , states their reasonableness and shortcomings .

  11. 作为对外扩张和实施全球战略的意识形态工具,美国对外关系中的种族主义一般有两个基调:肯定与否定。

    Racism presents two tendencies in America 's foreign relations : a positive one and a negative one .

  12. 而肯定与否定在汉语学习中又涉及到方方面面,因此副词的肯定与否定会经常碰到。

    And the affirmation and negation involve many aspects in Chinese study . So the affirmation and negation of adverb frequently encountered .

  13. 但是肯定与否定不仅是在理论上抽象的概念两者的对立关系,还体现在具体的言语形式上。

    However , the opposite relations of position and negation do not embody in abstract concepts theoretically but in specific speech forms .

  14. “很”和“太”结构的否定形式可以作不同的句法成分,这些都体现了肯定与否定宏观上的不对称性。

    When the negative form of " Very " and " Too " structure acts as different syntax element , it always demonstrates the asymmetry between affirmation and negation .

  15. 留学生在学习肯定与否定时又喜欢类推,但是语言事实中却存在着大量的肯定与否定的不对称现象,当碰到副词的肯定与否定不对称的情况时,就会出现错误。

    Foreign students like analogy when studying affirmation and negation , but in languages there are lots of asymmetries between affirmation and negation . So mistakes appear when encountered the asymmetries .

  16. 本部分则从我国理论界对浮动抵押肯定与否定的两种主张,分析出我国建立浮动抵押制度的合理性和必要性。

    This section describes both positive and negative from the floating charge of the theoretical basis and practical significance in our analysis of our established system of floating charge reasonable and necessary .

  17. 第二章考察数目形式,对两数组合表约量的各种形式进行考察,并从量词的选择、肯定与否定两方面入手,对其进行语义分析;

    The second chapter investigates kinds of forms of two numbers ' combination meaning approximate quantity , and from two sides of " the selection of quantifier " and " the affirmation and the negation " make a semantic analysis .

  18. 最后,浮士德形象的人生历程为我们显现了两方面的人性结构图示,一个是在肯定与否定的对立中历时性的超越,一个是共时结构的人性系统的全方位实现。

    Finally , the life course of image of Faust shows two aspects of structures of human nature for us , one is diachronic surmounting between affirmation and denial , the other is multidirectional realization of systems of human nature in synchronic structures .

  19. 在普遍的语言现象中,否定的形式和作用决不是那么简单的和透明的,特别是从逻辑学的角度上来看,在语言结构和语言使用上,肯定与否定的完全对等是不可能存在的。

    In the common language phenomenon , the forms and functions of the negation are not so easy or transparent . Especially from the logical perspective , the complete correspondence of the affirmative and the negative is not impossible in use of the linguistic structure and language .

  20. 随着现行刑法的颁布与实施,法人犯罪刑事责任被通过刑事立法的方式予以确认,这使得之前被刑法学界所争议的法人犯罪的肯定与否定之争被盖棺定论。

    As the current criminal law is issued and enforced , the criminal responsibility for a corporation crime is confirmed by means of the criminal legislation , which provides a final judgment for the disputes on the affirmation and negation of corporation crime in the field of criminal law .

  21. 英语特殊肯定句与否定句反译之初探

    On the Converse Translation of English Particular Affirmative Negative Sentences

  22. 本文就英汉互译中肯定句与否定句的转化作简单介绍。

    A Brief Description of the Conversion of Affirmative and Negative Sentences in English-Chinese Translation ;

  23. 简析肯定自我与否定自我及其应用

    Self-affirmation , Self-negation and their Application

  24. 针对酌定情节是否具有法定性的问题,大致有肯定说与否定说两种观点。

    There are two kinds of views about the legality of the discretion in light of penalty circumstance .

  25. 补语的可能式的肯定式与否定式不平行的原因

    Relating to or formed with the infinitive . Reasons of Unparalleled Affirmative and Negative for Potential Mood of Complement

  26. 行为的犯罪评价可以通过肯定判断与否定判断来具体实现。

    As to an act , people can use an affirmative or negative answer to judge whether it is criminal .

  27. 对于已过诉讼时效的债务能否抵销,实务中存在着肯定说与否定说这样两种观点。

    There are too absolutely opposite opinions on whether the debt which is beyond the limitation of action can be offseted .

  28. 作者指出了法学界物权行为无因性肯定说与否定说两种主张的缺陷,从债权有效行为,物权行为有效或无效;

    The author points out the defects of affirmative and negative abstract principle of juristic act of real right in law circle .

  29. 理论界对于被害人上诉权问题存在着相互对立的两种不同意见,肯定意见与否定意见并存。

    The theorists have two different opinions which regarding the victim appeal right question opposes mutually , definitely opinion and negative opinion coexisting .

  30. 然后梳理了对我国对刑事司法解释溯及力有两种观点&肯定说与否定说。

    Then combed to our country on the judicial interpretation of criminal law retroactivity has two kinds of point of views-positive and negative .