
  • 网络Affirmative Action Program;Affirmative Action Plan;affirmative action
  1. 但30多年来,关于肯定性行动计划存在和实施必要性的争论从未间断过。

    But the controversy about the presence of affirmative action programs and implementing necessity has never stopped in the past three decades .

  2. 自20世纪60年代中期以来,肯定性行动计划通过特别招生计划、财政资助、补习教育、少数民族研究课程等措施,有力地促进了美国少数民族高等教育的发展。

    Since the mid 1960s , American minorities higher education has developed rapidly owing mainly to affirmative action programs measures such as special admission programs , financial aids , compensatory education , minorities study programs and so on .

  3. 肯定性行动计划的悖论及其文化影响

    Controversy of Affirmative Action and Its Cultural Implications

  4. 1965年林登.约翰逊总统签署的11246号行政令标志着肯定性行动计划的正式出台。

    As the president Lyndon Johnson signed the Executive Order 11246 in 1965 , which marked the affirmative action had been formally tabled .

  5. 种族身份的认定也取决于其他原因,如民族自豪感增强,或可从肯定性行动计划或其他项目中获益。

    Racial identification can stem from other sources , such as heightened ethnic pride or the opportunity to benefit from affirmative action and other programs .

  6. 近年来,否定肯定性行动计划的行动给美国少数民族高等教育的发展带来了灾难性后果,美国少数民族高等教育将会出现严重的倒退。

    In recent years , opposition to this plan has brought disastrous consequences , and will lead to a serious fallback for the development of American ethnic higher education .

  7. 对实施过程的评估表明,虽然美国历届政府在执行肯定性行动计划时力度各不相同,但肯定性行动仍是一项持续、有效的政策。

    The process evaluation has found affirmative action to be a sustainable and effective policy , although there were wax and wane in the enforcement of workplace affirmative action under different administrations .

  8. 第三部分阐述影响华人就业的因素,其中主要包括两个方面:一是美国经济发展引起的产业结构变化、政府培训体系的形成、肯定性行动计划的实施;

    Part three explores the decisive factors affecting the employment of Chinese Americans including mainly two factors . The first is the changing industrial structure of American economic development , the forming of employment and training system and the enforcement of the Affirmative Action Program ;