
  • 网络solid state storage;solid-state storage;Solid State Disk
  1. Flash阵列存储技术作为高速大容量存储领域的最新发展方向,是随着半导体存储器件在固态存储系统设计的成熟应用中发展起来的。

    As the latest developments in the field of high-speed and large-capacity storage , Flash Array storage system is developed with the semiconductor storage devices used broadly in Solid State Disk system design .

  2. 基于Flash的高速大容量固态存储系统设计

    Design of Solid State Storage with High Speed and Large Capacity Based on Flash

  3. 基于SOPC高密度固态存储系统的研究与实现

    Based on SOPC high-density solid-state storage system research and realization

  4. 遥测站水文数据固态存储及PSTN传输模块应用研究

    Research on Application of Solid-state Data-logger and PSTN Module in Telemetric Stations

  5. 该系统以高性能ADC芯片为基础、以固态存储芯片FLASH为存储介质、以FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)为控制核心成功实现了高速采集、实时大容量存储。

    A high-performance AD chip , solid-state FLASH memory chips and FPGA ( Field Programmable Gates Array ) are used to realize high-speed data acquisition and real-time data storage for the system .

  6. 基于USB2.0高速大容量固态存储系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of the High Speed and Large Capacity Solid State Storage System Based on USB 2.0

  7. 采用固态存储技术的Holter系统具有体积小、功耗低、可靠性好以及回放处理快捷,便于实时分析等优点。

    Holter using solid-state memory holds the benefits of smaller size , lower power consumption and higher reliability , it also has such merits as transferring data rapidly and real time analyzing conveniently .

  8. 介绍了基于USB2.0总线的高速大容量固态存储系统的设计与实现,系统地阐述了硬件设计、固件设计、设备驱动程序和应用程序设计以及USB接口的调试方法。

    The paper deals with the developing of an high speed and large capacity solid state storage system based on USB 2.0 , focusing on the hardware design , the firmware design , the program coding and the way to debug USB interface .

  9. Symmetrix存储阵列中使用的企业级EFD与消费电子产品中使用的固态存储技术是有很大差别的,特别是在性能和可靠性方面。

    The enterprise-class EFDs used in Symmetrix storage arrays differ significantly from the solid state technology used in consumer electronics , particularly in terms of performance and reliability .

  10. 讨论固态存储,网络硬盘和磁带。

    Discuss solid-state storage , Internet hard drives , and magnetic tape .

  11. 固态存储系统现在已成为所有探测卫星必需的重要设备。

    Solid-state memory system is an indispensable device for observation ocean satellite .

  12. 固态存储雨量数据收集系统使用情况的评价

    Using status assessment of the solid-state rainfall data storage-collection system

  13. 固态存储雨量计及新型数字式雨量传感器的研究

    Study of Solid Stated Memory Ombrometer and Digital Hyetal Sensor

  14. 固态存储雨量器观测资料的误差分析

    Error Analysis of the Observed Data with the Solid Rain - accumulating Guage

  15. 高速CF卡阵列固态存储技术的接口逻辑仿真分析

    Interface Logic Simulation Analyzing on High Speed Solid-state Storage Technique with CompactFlash Card Array

  16. 系统采用固态存储技术,实现数据在下位机中的大量存储。

    The system used the technology of solid state storage to realize the massive date ′ s storage .

  17. 用固态存储技术进行语音记录时,需解决自动电平控制问题。

    To record sound with solid technology , it is needed to resolve the problem that to control the recording level automatically .

  18. 本论文讨论的就是适合我国新一代海洋卫星要求的集成了数据处理和数据存储功能的固态存储系统的设计。

    This thesis discusses the design of the solid-state memory system , which is used for image data processing and storing for the new generation ocean observation satellite of China .

  19. 然后详细阐述了并行接口单元的设计,并行接口单元的设计是高速CF卡阵列固态存储技术研究的重点。

    And then the paper discusses the design of parallel interface unit in detail , which includes two segment , the writing and reading realization of CompactFlash card and parallel branching realization .

  20. 首先对PCIExpress接口特性和NANDFlash的读写及擦除特性进行了必要分析,并以固态硬盘存储系统中的各功能模块为线索实现了控制功能模块和存储功能模块的设计。

    First , we make a necessary description and analysis for the characteristic of PCI Express interface and read , write and erase operation in NAND Flash . Second , we make the function modules as a clue to implement the control module and storage module .

  21. 固态硬盘的存储管理层可以向上层系统屏蔽闪存的内部特性,实现损耗均衡策略以及标准块设备的访问接口。

    Solid-state disk storage management system can shield characteristics of flash memory to the top user over SSD , and achieve wear-leveling algorithm , as well as the standard block device interface .

  22. EMC首次将FLASH芯片的固态硬盘运用于存储阵列,使其性能和能效获得前所未有的提升。

    EMC firstly applies FLASH chip solid state disk into the memory array , and unprecedentedly raises the performance and the energy efficiency .

  23. BCH码因其良好的数学迭代结构,较为简单而规则的硬件实现,被广泛应用于电子系统的存储部件中,尤其是在固态硬盘和U盘这样的固态存储介质中。

    Because of its good iterative mathematical structure and easily implemented in hardware features , BCH code is widely used in electronic systems , especially in SSDs and USB disks .

  24. 固态驱动器当前非常流行,但是嵌入式系统很久以前就开始使用固态驱动器进行存储。

    Solid-state drives are all the rage these days , but embedded systems have used solid-state devices for storage for quite some time .

  25. 本文设计的固态硬盘控制器,具有结构简单和稳定性高的特点,易于升级和二次开发,是实现固态硬盘和固态存储系统的关键技术。

    The design of Solid State Drive controller in this paper , with the characteristics of simple architecture , good reliability , easy to upgrade and the re-development , is the key technology to realize Solid State Drive and solid state storage system .

  26. 固态硬盘(SolidStateDisk或SolidStateDrive),也称作电子硬盘或者固态电子盘,是由控制单元和固态存储单元(DRAM或FLASH芯片)组成的硬盘。

    SSD ( Solid State Disk or Solid State Drive ), also known as electronic hard disk or solid-state electronics , solid state by the control unit and memory unit ( DRAM or FLASH chip ) composed of the hard disk .