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  1. 本论文将就常见的墙体材料NALC与复合墙体材料金邦板与框架结构的连接构造进行详细的论述,运用有限元软件Ansys,分别对框架结构、框架结构带有填充墙的柔性和刚性连接进行分析。

    This paper will be discussed in details on common wall materials NALC , composite wall materials Jin bang board and tectonic connection of frame structure by using the finite element software ANSYS .

  2. 印度总理辛格当晚紧急召开救灾部门会议,并表示中央政府将全力以赴,支持锡金邦的救灾工作。

    Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh held an emergency night meeting of disaster relief department , said the central government will fully support the relief efforts in Sikkim .

  3. 通过青椒叶面追肥探讨了不同肥料对果实耐贮性的影响。结果表明,喷施金邦1号可降低果实贮期病烂指数,提高耐贮性。

    In this paper , the effect of leaf spray application of fertilizer on pepper fruit storage was studied The result indicated that spray " Jinbang 1 " could reduce pepper fruit rot index and get a high commercial fruit rate .