
  • 网络Vajrayana
  1. 从而金刚乘是尝试去再体验乔达摩佛的启迪体验。

    Vajrayana thus attempts to recapture the Enlightenment experience of the Gautama Buddha .

  2. 因此,金刚乘佛教对于平等的理解是在一个非常深奥的层次上。

    Thus the understanding of equality in vajrayana Buddhism is on a very profound level .

  3. 金刚乘的男女符号象征与性无关。

    Vajrayana male-female symbolism is not about sex .

  4. 事实上,很多小乘和大乘都不相信金刚乘是佛教。

    In fact , many Hinayana and Mahayana , they don 't think Vajrayana is Buddhism .

  5. 然而我认为,记得佛法不仅只有金刚乘,这也是重要的。

    However , I think it is also important to remember that Buddhism is not only vajrayana .

  6. 在金刚乘中,上师是我们的提示者,也是我们所要忆念的。

    In the Vajrayana , we have the guru as the reminder , and also what we remember .

  7. 所有从上座部、大乘和金刚乘的领导僧人,都一同决定你们的师尊是我们的师尊。

    All the leading monks from Theravada , Mahayana and Vajrayana together decided that your Master is our Master .

  8. 世尊教法的究竟,是秘密的金刚乘。当老女仆进入皇宫,她似乎看到世尊正向她走来。

    As the old maid entered the royal palace , she thought she saw the Buddha coming towards her .

  9. 西方人需要明白许多金刚乘的教义是以一种密码式的语言写下的。

    The Westerner needs to be aware that many of the Vajrayana teachings are written down in what amounts to a coded language .

  10. 事实上,有些金刚乘典籍中提及一个人在成为一位教师的弟子前,应该用十二年的时间来检视这位可能的教师。

    In fact , some of the vajrayana scriptures mention that one should check a potential teacher for twelve years before becoming his student .

  11. 西方对于性关系的观点强调的是「平等」,然而这和金刚乘佛教中平等的意义非常不同。

    Western perspectives on sexual relationships emphasize " equality ," yet this is very different from what is meant by equality in vajrayana Buddhism .

  12. 五佛思想是密教金刚乘的根本宇宙观,五方佛体系的最终形成也标志佛教神系的完备和系统化。

    Thought of the Five Buddhas reveals the universal conception of the Vajrayana Buddhism , and the Five Buddha familes indicate systematism of the Buddhist deities .

  13. 上座部、大乘、金刚乘、怛荼罗乘和禅,五个佛教流派都教导我们要净化思想,这就是涅盘的道路。

    Theravada , Mahayana , Vajrayana , Tantrayana and Zen , the five Buddhist schools teaching our one teaching to cleanse our mind ; this is the way of Nirvana .

  14. 以这个方式,愿我的身语意经由四灌顶而成熟,也愿我开始进入奇妙的金刚乘道路。

    In this way , may my body , speech and mind be matured through the four empowerments and so may I embark upon the path of the wondrous vajra vehicle !

  15. 另一方面,金刚乘佛教对女性有着极高的评价,以及对于一切众生平等的深切强调。

    In vajrayana Buddhism , on the other hand , there is a tremendous appreciation of the female , as well as a strong emphasis on the equality of all beings .

  16. 为了这使命,我们属于上座部、大乘或金刚乘的所有人,都需要把自身投入到像世界佛教青年僧伽会一样巨大会议所产生出的道途。

    For this mission , all of us belonging to Theravada , Mahayana or Vajrayana , have to involve ourselves in the path that we generate from the great conferences like that of WBSY .

  17. 有时候看来人们想修金刚乘是因为他们将金刚乘视作某种充满异国情调的东西,而其实上座部的清醒和单纯反而对他们比较好。

    What sometimes seems to happen is that people want to practice vajrayana because they see it as something exotic , when in fact they would be better off with the sanity and simplicity of the Theravada .

  18. 金刚萨垛是至高无上的,是金刚乘一切坛城之尊。

    Enclosed is the king of supreme pizza , it is all vajrayana of honour .