
  • 网络cousin
  1. 怎么了两位好下午好Matthew堂亲下午好

    Hello ! Good afternoon , Cousin Matthew.Good afternoon .

  2. Crawley先生是老爷的继承人和堂亲

    Mr Crawley is his lordship 's cousin and heir .

  3. 来自美国哈佛大学(harvarduniversity)的研究人员在基因发现中走了一条捷径:只对父母是表亲或堂亲的家庭进行采样,从而增加了子女遗传罕见突变的可能性。

    The researchers , who are based at Harvard University , took advantage of a short cut to genetic discovery by sampling families in which parents are cousins . This increases the likelihood that offspring will inherit rare mutations .

  4. 这或许是因为,英国人比他们在大西洋彼岸的堂亲更重视过去。

    Perhaps the British rate the past more highly than their trans-Atlantic cousins .

  5. 就像他们的第四代堂亲。

    It 's like their fourth cousins .

  6. 其中两名角色是亲戚关系,但是如果他们在现实生活中也是朋友,那么其他几名角色在生理上就有可能像堂亲一样亲近。

    Two of the characters were related , but if they 've been real life friends , the rest of them could have been as biologically close as cousins .

  7. 在88个父母为表亲或堂亲、子女患有自闭症的中东阿拉伯、土耳其和巴基斯坦的大家庭中,研究人员发现了与自闭症有关的基因及基因突变。

    They found genes and mutations associated with autism in 88 large families from the Arab Middle East , Turkey and Pakistan , in which cousins married and had children with the disorder .