
  • 网络Forest Research;forestry research
  1. 从科技文献量看林业科学研究的发展趋势

    Trend of Forest Research Based on Science and Technology Literature Quantities

  2. 从林业科学研究的地位与作用探讨内蒙古林业科技发展的问题

    Discussion on Forestry Scientific and Technological Development in Inner Mongolia from the Position and Role of Forestry Research

  3. 对3S技术在林业科学研究中的核心地位、应用概况及发展趋势进行了综述,并提出它在未来林业发展进程中有待研究的主题。

    The paper gives a comprehensive consideration about the core status , application and development trend of 3S in forestry production and research , its meeting topics in forestry development are put forward at the same time .

  4. 中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所简介


  5. 浙江省林业科学研究所竹类植物园名录

    A Catalogue of Bamboo Botanical Garden in Zhejiang Forestry Institute

  6. 第六条国家鼓励林业科学研究,推广林业先进技术,提高林业科学技术水平。

    Article 6 The State encourages research of the forestry science , popularizes advanced forestry technology and raises the level of forestry science and technology .

  7. 森林是国家建设的重要资源,而森林蓄积的定量估测也一直是林业科学研究工作者研究的重点和难点。

    Forests are important resources for national construction , while the quantitative estimation of forest volume has been the focus of the study of forestry scientists .

  8. 本文结合山东省泰山林业科学研究院花卉基地栽培大花蕙兰的实际,比较系统深入地研究了大花蕙兰的营养特性。

    In this paper , the nutritional characteristics of Cymbidium hybridum were studied combined with Taishan in Shandong Province Forestry Institute of Science and Technology flower cultivation base Cymbidium the actual production .

  9. 植物生理变化往往伴随着发光过程,探测这种发光过程,寻求其规律性,对于农业、林业科学研究具有重要意义。

    The plant physiological variety is often accompanied by luminescence process . It has a very important purport that to detect the process and to seek its rule for agriculture and forest .

  10. 在植树造林、保护森林、森林管理以及林业科学研究等方面成绩显著的单位或者个人,由各级人民政府给予奖励。

    The people 's government at various levels shall award organizations or private individuals who have made outstanding achievements in connection with afforestation , forest protection , forest management and forestry-related scientific research .

  11. 加强林业软科学研究促进林业改革和发展

    Strengthening forest soft-science studies to improve forestry reform and development

  12. 借以分析我国林业科学技术研究的基本进展及21世纪展望。

    In this way , the basic progress in the forestry scientific and technological research and the prospect of the21st century were analysed .

  13. 武汉市林业果树科学研究所在服务三农的过程中提出了经济绿篱的概念,并且做了相关的示范栽培。

    Scientific Research Institute of Forestry Fruit-tree in Wuhan proposes the concept of economic hedge in the course of three rural services , and has done relevant model cultivation .

  14. 现代数学技术在林业基础科学研究中将获得更广泛的应用和更多的成果,同时,林业基础科学定量水平将显著提高,生物数学将高速发展。

    The application of the modern mathematical technology to this field will be wide spreaded , the quantitative level of forestry basic science study will be raised significantly and good results will be obtained . Biological mathematics and quantitative ecology will be developed at the high speed .

  15. 同时,我国也开始了对西方林业科学技术的研究工作,编辑出版了一批关于林业科学技术方面的书籍,推动了我国林业科学技术的发展。

    Meanwhile , China also started the Western forestry science and technology research .

  16. 长期以来,由于认识不足,重乔木、轻灌木,灌木林在林业生产和科学研究上均是个薄弱环节。

    However , shrub has been limited both in forestry production and scientific research because of the incorrect understanding and less attention for a long time .

  17. 定量划分立地类型是目前林业科学中迫切需要研究的问题。

    Quantitative division for type site needs to be studied in forest science .

  18. 正是这两个因素使得林业科学在深入的研究面临着非常大的难题。

    It is this reason that leads forestry research in depth to confront more difficult situation .

  19. 土耳其林业研究机构和林业科学研究

    Organizations of Forestry Research Institutes and Scientific Researches in Turkey

  20. 第六章介绍了民国时期西南地区的林业科研机构,总结了林业科学研究取得的成果,并对高等林业教育和初中等林业教育的发展进行了论述。

    The sixth chapter introduces the forestry scientific research institutes in Southwest China , summarizes the production of forestry scientific research , and discusses the development of the higher , medium and elementary forestry education .

  21. 阐述了我国林业科技在林学主要学科、林业科学研究、林业科技推广与开发、国际林业科技合作与交流、林业科技管理等5个方面的发展趋势。

    Abstract This review paper deals with the development trends and strategy of forestry science and technology , mainly in the aspects of forestry disciplines , forestry research , extension and development , international cooperation and exchange and research management .

  22. 按不同气候和森林经营类型,土耳其在不同地区设有11个林业研究所,8个土壤实验室,主要从事林业应用科学研究,重点解决林业生产中存在的问题。

    According to climate and forest types of Turkey , the forestry ministry of Turkey established 11 forestry research institutes and 8 soil laboratories in different regions which are engaged in the applied researches of forestry and solve the problems in production of forestry .

  23. 而数字林业应用计算机图形学技术和林业科学知识,构建复杂的森林对象,表达复杂的林分生长规律,为林业科学研究提供了一个新型的平台。

    In Virtual Forest Environments , complex forest objects are constructed ; the laws of stand growth are presented and analyzed with computer graphics technology and forestry knowledge .