
  • 网络deformation rate;Strain;Distortion;strain rate
  1. 铝的磁化率改变量随变形率增加大致呈上升趋势。

    The susceptibility of Al increases with increase in strain .

  2. 为此,我们使用时间变形率成像(TSRI),试图简便、敏感、可靠地识别PSS,进而明确心肌缺血节段。

    Therefore , we have been using Time Strain Rate Imaging ( TSRI ), tried to simply , sensitively , dependably distinguish PSS , further clear and definite segments of ischemic myocardium .

  3. 两者的反射系数R与变形率δ的关系较为一致。

    Both the results about the relationship of reflection coefficient and deformation rate is consistent .

  4. 5000倍扫描电镜下分析对照组与实验组菌细胞的变形率有极显著性差异(P<0.001)。

    There are significant different between test group and contrast group with SEM of 5000 times ( P < 0.001 ) .

  5. YBCO厚膜用高变形率Ni基带中的加工和退火织构

    Rolling and Recrystallization Textures in a Ni Substrate with High Reduction for YBCO Films

  6. 利用X射线衍射手段系统地研究了不同的退火制度和冷轧变形率对高压电容铝箔立方织构的影响。

    The effect of cold deformation , inter annealing and final annealing on the cube texture of Al foil for the high voltage capacitor have been studied by x ray diffraction .

  7. 岩体现场缩尺拉拔模型试验发现,锚碇后锚面上,围岩位移呈马鞍形分布,残余变形率呈V形分布;

    Several facts are found through the in-situ pull model test . The total displacement and the rate of residual displacement on the back anchor face show saddle and V-shaped distribution , respectively .

  8. 结果表明,N2气保护下加热轧制复合和辊板轧制可有效提高复合板界面结合强度,同时使达到界面良好结合的临界变形率明显降低;

    The results indicate that , using N2 when heated or roller plate rolling is propitious to increase the interface bonding strength and to decrease the threshold deformation .

  9. 由DNS分析可知,流场的变形率张量和柔性分子变形率张量是弱相关的,这主要是由于弯曲的几何结构决定的。

    From DNS , one can learn that the flow field deformation rate tensor and flexible molecules deformation rate tensor are weakly connected , and it is determined by the curved geometries .

  10. 当忽略变形率的影响时,欧拉表述的大变形固结本构方程可退化为通常的Jaumann率形式。

    When ignoring the influence of deformation , the constitutive relation can be reduced to that of Jaumann derivative .

  11. 当车辙深度较浅(小于40mm)时,下面层的压缩变形率小于上面层。

    While , when the rut depth is lower ( less than 40 mm ), the compression deformation ratio of binder course is lower than that of wearing course .

  12. 研究了加热温度、初火次变形率、退火温度等工艺参数对大尺寸Mo-1板组织和性能的影响。

    The effects of heating temperature , reduction for the first time , and annealing temperature on the structure and properties of large size Mo-1 plate were investigated .

  13. 结论纳米CeO2能够显著提高SY-1硅橡胶在断后伸长率、永久变形率及撕裂强度3个方面的耐臭氧老化性能。

    Conclusion : The nanometer CeO_2 at 1.5 % can improve the resistance to ozone aging of SY-1 silicone elastomer especially to the elongation at break ( % ), permanent deformation rate ( 3 minutes ) and the tear strength ( kN / m ) .

  14. 结果表明,轧制参数对钼板抗拉强度、延伸率有显著影响,轧制温度、初道次变形率分别为850℃和37.5%时,Mo-1钼板的综合性能最好。

    The results show that rolling parameters have an important effect on the properties including tensile strength and extensibility , and when rolling temperature is 1250 ℃ and the first pass deformation rate is 37.5 % , the Mo-1 sheet has the best integrated properties .

  15. 弹塑性大变形率问题的一种有限元法

    A Finite Element Approach for the Rate-Problem of Elasto-Plastic Large Deformation

  16. GB13042-1998包装容器气雾罐罐体容积残余变形率

    Packaging containers & aerosol cans residual expansion rate of tank volume

  17. 回采巷道围岩变形率的预测

    Prediction of displacement rate in surrounding rocks of face entries

  18. 器械变形率实验组为0,对照组为41.67%。

    The rate of instrument deformity in control group was 41.67 % .

  19. 炭素材料的弹性模量、强度和破坏变形率

    The young 's modulus , strength and breaking strain of carbon materials

  20. 当变形率较小时界面有未焊合存在。

    The lack of bonding was existed in the case of lower deformation rate .

  21. 钢丝圈开口拉伸变形率测试仪的研制和应用

    Rate of Re-nurture Development and Application of Testers of Open Drawing Deformation of Travellers

  22. 罐体容积残余变形率残留部分愈来愈富含碳质。

    Residual expansion rate of tank volume The residue is progressively enriched in carbon .

  23. 岩石破裂的前兆变形率、前兆应力降及临震前兆

    Precursory deformation rate and stress drop in rupture experiments of brittle rocks and earthquake precursory

  24. 同相的变形率依赖性也适用于其他类似情况。

    The same strain rate dependency is then assumed to hold for all strain states .

  25. 淬火工艺是保证钢丝圈开口拉伸变形率的关键

    Quenching Process is the Key to Guarantee the Rate of the Open Elasticity of Wire Rolls

  26. 通过计算各因素的灰色关联度,表明车辙变形率对路面车辙深度的影响最显著。

    Grey correlation analysis indicates that rate of rutting is the most important factor for rutting .

  27. 回填气体压力越大,冷却速度越快,环模的变形率越大。

    The bigger of backfill air , the faster of cooling and bigger distortion of die .

  28. 高变形率低密度碳/碳复合材料的研究

    Low-Density Carbon-Carbon Composite with High Deformability

  29. 如果在三个垂直方向的弹性变形率并不相等,即它是不等弹性的。

    If the compliances are not equal in the three orthogonal directions , it is anisoelastic .

  30. 罐体容积残余变形率

    Residual expansion rate of tank volume