
  1. CFG在中性溶液中很少有丝素蛋白质溶出,但能被胰蛋白酶分解。

    CFG can not be dissolved in neutral solution but decomposed by trypsin .

  2. 利用VisKing公司制造的27/32型无缝纤维素透析管,设计制作了一台连续透析器。该透析器制作简单,操作方便,适于丝素蛋白质中性盐浓溶液的连续透析脱盐。

    A continuous dialyser has been designed and produced by utilizing the seamless cellulose tubing of the 27 / 32 size which was purchased from the visking Co.

  3. 有机溶剂对丝素蛋白质溶液的影响

    The effect of solution of fibroin protein on organic solute

  4. 具有交联结构的丝素蛋白质凝胶的理化特性

    Characterization of Crosslinked Silk Fibroin Gel

  5. 对2-巯基乙醇对丝素蛋白质在十二烷基硫酸钠在凝胶电泳时的泳动率的影响也进行了讨论。

    The effect of 2-mercaptoethanol on the mobility of the fibroin proteins in sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis is also discussed .

  6. 深入探索蚕丝蛋白质结构,揭开丝素蛋白质能溶于水、与生物体细胞的亲和性及其良好的透氧、透湿和吸湿性能之奥秘。

    A thorough investigation into the structure of silk protein reveals the secrets of its properties such as water solubility , affinity for biological cell , excellent oxygen and moisture permeability and hygroscopicity .